Chapter Thirty Three

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Meghan's P.O.V

I take the frame into my hands, a small smile making its way onto my face. I run my finger over Matt's face and chuckle lightly.

"God, I miss you." I mumble, letting the one silent tear fall down my cheek. Instead of wiping it away, I watch as it drops onto the picture, running down Matt's face and disappearing underneath the frame.

I place the frame back on the desk beside my bed and lay my head onto the pillow, shutting my eyes. So many thoughts are running around in my head but I can only seem to focus on one.


Ever since that night when I was raped by that one man who tore away my innocence and left me in that alley, crying the night away, I have never been the same.

Every guy that I see, every guy that touches me or even sends me suggestive stares, I just want to kill them. And just to think that so many other girls have been in the same situation as me, it makes me feel even angrier.

How a guy can even do that do someone is one of the questions that are left unanswered.

Unlike other girls who decided to leave the world to try and escape the pain and the memories of their worst fears, I was determined to stay strong, even though inside I was a broken mess.

When I found out that I was pregnant at the age of fifteen, I didn't know what to think. I was never one to plan out my entire life and the fact that I was fifteen and pregnant sort of scared me.

I was never with my mom so I didn't know what to do. Mothers were the type of people that were supposed to help you with those sort of things but I didn't have my mom by my side.

All I had was Drake and Evie.

And they didn't even know what to do.

Although, they did support me through it. That was until they were arrested for what happened to the hotel room. Ever since that day, I knew I lost Drake and Evie's trust and loyalty, even though I didn't do anything to harm that.

That is in the past now and I can't do anything about it.

Suddenly, I hear my phone vibrate and I grab it, looking at the screen. When I read the message, I can't help but chuckle, looking up at the door.

"Jake, the door isn't even locked." I say loudly and a few seconds later, my phone vibrates again.

Nerd Boy: I don't want to see you half naked or something... can you just open it?

Me: Oh shut up, you love seeing me without clothes on ;)

Imagining him blushing, I laugh and get off of my bed, walking over to the door. Luckily for him, I am fully dressed but the fact that Jake had brought up the topic of me being half naked, I can't help but want to strip just to see him go all red.

I open the door and look at Jake who is clutching his phone in his hand. "Thank you," Jake says, his eyes glancing at my clothes before looking back up at my face. I chuckle and step to the side, allowing Jake to enter my room. When he does, I close the door behind me and walk over to my bed, sitting down.

"So, what do you want?" I ask and Jake sits at the end of the bed, placing his phone in his pocket.

"Its about Charlie. I'm going to give Hailey the money tomorrow morning so she can get the treatment and care she deserves." Jake explains and I feel my heart clench at the mention of my little baby girl in pain.

"I... I don't know what to say." I mumble and Jake smiles.

"Well, the least you could do is thank me." Jake says and I can't help but smile, looking into Jake's blue eyes.

"Thanks, Jakie." I say and Jake nods.

"No problem. Also, my mom and I are going to try and figure out a way to break the marriage. You have any ideas?" Jake asks and I can't help but grin.

"I say you should burn--"

"Ugh, I'm regretting asking you for help now." Jake mutters, closing his eyes tightly and I laugh, crawling over to him. I sit next to him and grab his hand, holding it in mine.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask and Jake nods slowly, his eyes opening to look down at me.

"Yeah, sure."

"Why are you helping me so much?" I ask and Jake looks down at our hands before looking back at my face. The small grin is still on my face and I can't help but think back to when Emma and Danny were teasing Jake in the cafeteria earlier today.

"Oh shit, someone's in love!"

"You've got it bad, dude."

I don't know if it is just my heart but I am beginning to think that Jake actually does like me. Then again though, maybe he is just looking out for me since him and his mom are letting me stay under their roof.

No... he couldn't like me.

Why not, my brain asks and I look at Jake's face, looking into his bright blue eyes.

Because he is just too innocent, too pure...

I'm none of that.

But you like him. Why does that prove? He isn't bad or rebellious... my brain says and I clench my jaw slightly, watching as Jake looks into my green eyes, saying nothing at all.

All of a sudden, Jake's phone begins to ring, breaking the silence. I immediately look down at the phone that is in his other hand and stare at the contact, my jaw clenching even more.


Without letting go of my hand, he answers the phone and presses the phone to his ear. "Hello?" Jake says, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"No, I'm not with her, why?" Jake says after a few seconds of silence and I bite my lip, watching Jake silently.

Who is 'her'? Could Jake be talking about me?

"You did what?" Jake gasps and I notice his jaw clench. His grip on my hand tightens and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

What did she do?

Slept with a guy, my brain guesses and I mentally chuckle.

I wouldn't be surprised...

"No you can't come over. Bye." Jake says before hanging up the phone and I watch as he places the phone in his pocket, looking over at me.

"I-I have to go." Jake says and before I can say a word, he quickly gets up and walks out of my room, leaving me confused and concerned.

What the hell just happened?


A/N - Well? What do you guys think of this chapter? What do you think Courtney was talking to Jake about?


The Bad Girl | ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz