Chapter Thirty

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Meghan's P.O.V

"Whatever it takes, right?"

I lay down in the hospital bed, looking up at the bag on clear liquid above me that is hanging by the hook of the pole. I let out a sigh and place both my hands on my forehead, both my eyes slipping shut.

The conversation between Jake and I from earlier comes into my mind and I can't help but frown. From what Jake told me, about him helping me get off the drugs, I didn't know if he was being completely serious. When he smiled though, I knew it was sincere. He actually wants to help me.

The good boy wants to help the bad girl.

Oh, how cliché.

Seriously though, it's not everyday I meet someone who just wants to help me. The only time someone truly helped me was Drake and Evie, when they took me under their wing and taught me the way of living life like there was no tomorrow.

That was before though, not now. There is no way I will still be close with the two people who want to put me 'where I belong' as Evie puts it. She hates the fact that she and Drake had to spend a year in prison for something they didn't do and I can't help but feel sorry for them, even though it wasn't my fault.

I mean, at least they didn't get a much more harsher penalty...

They are lucky that their parents had good lawyers and they only spend one year in prison instead of serving twenty years. Then, I would honestly feel very sorry for them both because no one deserves to spend twenty years in prison for something they didn't even do.

What's funny though is the fact that the police still haven't caught the person who set the hotel room on fire. I guess that shows how dedicated they all are to their jobs.

I still don't even know what Drake and Evie are trying to find about me anyway. What are they exactly wanting from me? Why are they using Jake too?

Because they know the effect he has on you, my brain says and I mentally roll my eyes.

Curse me for making myself so transparent.

I rub my eyes and breathe out a tired sigh. The thoughts and questions continue to flood into my mind but it doesn't stop like I want it to. I just need some rest and now is the best time to do that because it is the middle of the night and mostly everyone is sleeping, except for the nurse's, doctors and patients, like me.

It's not my fault that I can't just shut my brain off...

I groan in pain when my head begins to throb again. I turn to the side and look at the machine that is recording my heartbeat.

Suddenly, my door swings open, revealing a panicked Hailey. I narrow my eyes at her and she runs over at me, grabbing at my hand. "You need to hurry!" Hailey says, her eyes wide and I furrow my eyebrows at her.

"Why? Am I--"

"It's Charlie!"


I run down the hallway, trying to ignore the continuous throbbing in my head. Hailey is running beside me and to say that I am scared is the understatement of the year.

"Turn here," Hailey says, making a left and I follow her. When we reach the end of the hallway, she points into the room.

"There are doctors and nurses in there. You can either wait--" I ignore Hailey and push the door open, staring at the doctors and nurses that are surrounding Charlie's bed.

"Move!" I shout, making the nurse's look over at me but the doctors stay put, clicking numerous buttons on the machine.

"Miss, you can't be here--"

"I don't fucking care! You need to tell me what is happened to my baby!" I scream and the nurse's walk towards me calmly, grabbing at my hand.

"Miss--" The nurse's try to push me out of the room but I shake my arms, pushing them away.

"Move, I need to see her!" I continue to argue but the nurse's, with all their force, push me out of the room and close the door behind them. The nurse's and Hailey looks down at me while my walls begin to fall down.

Don't cry, my brain says but I bite my lip. Suddenly, the first tear falls down my cheek and I grip at my hair.

"Please..." I breathe out. "Let me see her." I say and just as one of the nurse's are about to say something, Hailey raises her hand, cutting the nurse off.

"Just let her see Charlie." Hailey says and I nod, the rest of the tears falling down my cheeks. The nurse's look between each other and sigh, shaking their heads.

All of a sudden, with my head throbbing and the tears falling down my cheeks, I fall to the ground, clenching my fists against the cold ground.


It is now early in the morning and the doctors haven't left Charlie's room at all. They stayed there all night and I'm starting to think that Charlie didn't make it.

That she is... dead.

No, I can't think that way. Meghan Brooks never thinks of anything that is so worrying.

Then why are you thinking that way, my brain says and I clench my fists, slamming them on the chair arms.

"Woah, calm down." I hear someone say and I look up to see Hailey frowning at me. She stands in front of me and holds out a hand. "You need to go back to your room. Your lucky I let you stay here the whole night." Hailey says and I shake my head.

"No. I need to see Charlie." I say quickly, looking away from Hailey and she sighs, running a hand through her hair.

"Meghan," Hailey calls. "You know I will inform you about Charlie when the doctors leave." Hailey says and I look up at her, listening to her words. I slowly stand up and sigh, rubbing my eyes.

"I just... I'm just worried." I say and Hailey nods.

"I know." Hailey says and I glance over my shoulder at the door that is closed, blocking me from seeing Charlie. I clench my fists in anger before turning to Hailey and nodding slowly at her.

"Fine... but I'm coming back later."


A/N - What do you think happened to Charlie?


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