Chapter 18

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 Love is free yet binds us

Love drives all great stories

Love is a passionate commitment

Love has many guises

Love is chemistry  

I wonder what Jace and I had between us, was

No; we have compromises in our relationship, I see lust in his eyes for me and he's demanding.

That isn't love.

Breaking away from my thoughts, I stepped out the front door and away from people's view as I made my way to my doctor's appointment in my car.

It took me about 25 minutes to reach the hospital since I was going to a human doctor and not a pack doctor; the place was far away from the pack house. I parked my car into an empty space in the small parking lot.

Stepping out the car, I made my way into the entrance of the hospital and to the receptionist.

"Hi, I'm here for an appointment with Dr. Marie." I said to the Receptionist as she looked at me.

"Name?" She asked me, sounding bored.

"Kayla Porters" I replied back to her as she typed stuff onto the computer.

"Date of Birth?" She asked me again with the same bored expression

"25th October 1990" I replied back to her whilst she typed from the keyboard.

"Makayla Porters" She said to me

"Yes" I said to her. I wondered how people even put up with her; she's so annoying

"Your right on time for your appointment, please take a seat; the doctor will be with you soon." She said to me

Sitting down on the lime colored chairs, I picked up an old magazine just to pass some time. So far I was the only one sat in the waiting area yet I had to wait for 10 more minutes ahead of me scheduled appointment time.

"Makayla Porters?" Someone called out for me

Looking up I saw it was one of those nurses, I stood up which made her turn her gaze on me. I don't understand why she didn't look at me before; I am the only one here.

"Come on through" She said to me as I followed her to the doctor's room.

Walking into the doctor's room, I was greeted by the familiar cream walls. I sat on the chair that faced the doctor as she wore glasses and was typing her way on the computer.

"I guess we can start the procedure for the baby scan since we have been doing this for the past couple of weeks and you already know what is going to happen" Dr. Marie said to me as she gestured with her hand for me to sit on the bed, that had a blue paper towel covering it all and machines around it.

Lying down on the bed, I lifted my top up just beneath my breasts. The nurse that was with the doctor applied the cold gel to my stomach as the doctor prepared the machine. The doctor moved the transducer around my stomach until the picture of my baby was on the screen.

"I can tell that you're 14 weeks pregnant. You can see that the baby has grown about 85mm long from head to bottom since our last scan. Now around this time, the baby begins to swallow little bits of amniotic fluid, which passes into the stomach. The baby's kidneys start to work and the swallowed fluid passes back into the amniotic fluid as urine." The doctor said to me as I nodded at her.

The nurse gave me a paper towel and I used that to wipe the gel from my stomach. I proceeded to sit up as the doctor explained to me about my 15th week of my pregnancy.

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