Chapter 32

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My eyes opened up slowly but they still felt heavy to open yet I managed to open them. I took in my surroundings and I immediately felt scared; my hands and feet were bound together by rope and when I tried to move then around, they would burn which could only mean one thing, wolfsbane. I was tied up on a bed in a room filled with darkness, I couldn't see much but there was very little light in the room. 

The ropes were soaked in wolfsbane so I would escape from here. Wolfsbane was a werewolf’s weakness and a killer substance. If you came into contact with it, it would burn your skin or just kill you if consumed too much of it.


I screamed out in pain as the ropes attacked my skin and burned it. Thankfully they didn't tie a rope around my stomach area and hurt the baby.

"I'm so sorry" I heard a voice.

Looking up, I saw Dalton coming closer to the bed. He knelt down and moved some hair away from my face. I glared at him as he looked down at me like I was the most important person in the world.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him as I gritted my teeth together.

"You" He said to me which caused me to look at him disgust. "I want you to be mine. I know everything about you Kayla, how you left your alpha husband with you son Caleb is it?" He said which me freeze in my place.

"You don't know anything about me!" I spat out to him.

"But I do. I know that you’re here carrying his next child whilst he rots in his guilt about losing you over there. I know that he never cheated on you but just played along to one of the many games we set out for him." He said to me maliciously.

"I saw him with another woman" I said to him as if he were stupid.

"Maybe if you stuck around any longer then you would have known that he was too good to sleep with any of them." He said to me as he rolled his eyes.

"W-what...I-I..." I stuttered out but he cut me off.

"I know, I am a pretty good mastermind in this game" He said as he smirked which made glare at him in the eye.

"You’re a sick person!" I shouted at him.

He looked at me with such demonic eyes as he raised his hand up in the air then slammed it down across my face, making pain arise in my cheek and making me cry out in agony.

"I don't want to hurt you but if you keep saying these sort of things then I'm bound to punish you" He said to me as he caressed my cheek causing me to whimper as my cheek stung from the slap.

"Why are you playing these dirty games with my husband?!" I said to him as he got up and grabbed himself a chair, sitting down on it with one of his legs on top of the other.

"Well we're should I start?" He said to me dramatically. "It all started when I decided to kidnap two of the most precious things Jace loved...his father and sister." He said which made me gasp.

'I thought his father had died and he never told me about him ever having a sister' I thought to myself.

"I know right. He kept the secret of having a sister away from everyone so that nobody could harm her but I knew that his mother was pregnant. This is where I come in" He said. "I wanted revenge and once Jace's little sister Sophie was born, I took her away from her family and raised her myself but fear not I wasn't that evil; I let Jace see her once every year."

"You’re a psycho!" I screamed out to him as he slapped me again.

"She didn't even turn out the way I wanted her to but I don’t care now because you have already left Jace so I gave him his sister back" He said as he stood up from the chair and started to walk around the room.

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