Chapter 35

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My eyes felt like there was something heavy on them as I woke up and my head was pounding like hell. It felt like the day I had a hangover from drinking too much. Slowly, I lifted my eyes and looked around the room to gain my vision back. I noticed that I was still tied to the bed as I yanked on the chains.

"Oh you’re awake" A snobby voice said to me. I looked up towards the voice and saw the same lady that injected me with something.

"W-what d-do you w-want with me?" I asked her nervously as I scooted further away from her.

" mate back" She said to me which made me scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"W-what?...Who is your mate?" I asked her

"Don't play dumb with me?" She shouted at me as she got in my face.

"Please...I don't understand what you're talking about" I said to her which resulted in me getting a hard smack from her on my cheek which stung... a lot.

"B***h, I know a lot of girls like you that will do anything to get out of this mess" She said to me with those hard eyes. "Don't worry, I can get my revenge on you since you’re going to be staying here for a couple of months" She said to me as she stared at my stomach. Instinctively, I covered my stomach with my hands.

She walked out the door with those evil eyes whilst I sat frozen in the same position I was in.

'She was going to kill my baby!' I thought to myself as my wolf growled out.

My body smelt badly and my hair was wild. It didn't help that I was still wearing the clothes from the night out with Dalton. I wanted a shower and a fresh pair of clothes to wear.

The door to my room opened for the 20th time. It was him! He looked at me as he held a tray of food in his hand. Setting the tray onto the bed next to me, Dalton sat down on the chair.

"Eat up" He said to me as I stared at the food.

"No" I replied back stubbornly which resulted in a hard slap from him.

"Don't make me do such things. You know I love you." He said to me as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'm feeling the love" I said to him as I dragged out the 'love' in the sentence which only made him glare at me.

Hmm...this idiot seems to behave normal if I comply with him but one comment from me and boom there explodes his anger. This reminds me of my time in college when I sat in my psychology lessons and learnt about the theory of human behaviour. This was just like it

If the only way to get out of here was to suck up to this psycho then so be it. I wanted to be out of here before I give birth to my baby.

"I-I'm so sorry. I just can't stay here! This room is dark and damp and I'm chained up. It makes me feel like a prisoner and if you ever loved me then you wouldn't do this to me" I said to him dramatically as I made a few tears come out of my eyes.

'Wow and I thought I was the dramatic one here' My wolf said to me as I mentally eye rolled at her.

"Hey, I'm sorry but you did try and run away from me" He said as his eyes held sympathy for me whilst he was showing me how "loving" he is.

"I know but you were scaring me out" I said to him

"I can't let you go from here. I'm sorry" He said as he looked me in the eyes then he stood up and left the room.

'Damn! Almost had him' I thought to myself as I groaned out loud to myself.

'That performance was so shite' My wolf said which made me scoff at her.

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