Chapter 24

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Music blared loudly inside the house full of horny boys and girls as I made my way inside. Immediately, I was enveloped by the smell of sex, alcohol and vomit. I wanted to turn around and run back home but I knew I couldn’t do that since I was being dragged along to this party by Louise, one of my college friends.

“C’mon Kayla your 18, live a little.” She said to me as she dragged me further into the house full of sweaty people. Louise was human so she didn’t know about werewolves.

“I don’t want to be in a room filled with horny guys.” I said to her as I shivered in disgust with the amount of men in the room that had lust filled eyes.

“Chillax, I’m here with you so don’t worry about anyone groping you tonight.” She said to me as I followed her like a shadow, not wanting to be touched by anyone.

Don’t get me wrong it’s not that the boys I was worried about much, I just wanted to find my mate and be with him. My mum had always taught me to save myself for my mate and that’s what I have been doing for so long.

Louise led me to the kitchen where there were a pile of alcohol bottles and red plastic cups on the counter top. She grabbed one and poured it with vodka and passed it to me but I declined it and grabbed another red cup, filling it up with bottled water that I got out from the fridge.

“Always the innocent one in everything” She said to me as she downed whatever she had left and filled it up again with another kind of drink.

 “HEY! I came to this party for you didn’t I?” I said to her as she rolled her eyes at me and carried on drinking,

Ladies, looking good” The host of this party, Brennan said to us with slurred speech.

“Thanks Brennan.” Louise said to him as she held her cup in her hand.

“Looking hot in that dress Loouuiissee.” He slurred out to her. “Kaaylla your soooo damn finneee” Brennan said to me as heat made it way to my cheeks, making them go scarlet red.

I was wearing a cream crop top with a pink high waisted skater skirt that had a brown belt around it. I wore cream colored sandals that had an ankle strap to it. A pearl heart necklace was clipped around my neck, a gold cuff bracelet was wrapped around my wrist and a gold flower ring with diamonds in it was slipped on my finger.                                                                                                              

“Loouiiseee, let’s ddaannceee” Brennan said to her as he held his hand out for her. She giggled and took his hand as she dragged her to the dance floor, leaving me all alone.

Sighing, I made my way to the living room to sit down but I bumped into someone on the way there. Tingles shot throughout my body as I made contact with that person’s shoulder.

“I’m so sorry” I said to the person as I looked in his sparkling blue eyes.

“It’s alright” He said to me with a husky voice.

“My name’s Jace” He said to me as he held out his hand. “Can I have this dance?”

“You may” I said to him as I placed my hand in his and he took us to the dance floor, where, as cliché as it was, a slow song was playing.

My hand was on his shoulder and his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. My hand was entwined with his at the side as we danced slowly, together to the music. Sparks were shooting from my hands up to my arms as my hand was in his.

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