3- Jake

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Jake POV

Chapter 3: Jake

My head was throbbing viciously as I slowly sat up and looked around the room. Wine stains were on the carpet and broken glass was everywhere. The apartment was a mess, is the understatement of the year.

"Cara!" I called out angrily, "Cara, come out!" I said my tone even more demanding than my last call.

As I tried to move I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head. I decided to touch my head and felt the glass that was on the side. I felt a huge cut with blood dripping out lazily.

What was going on?

Suddenly I had a mini flashback of the night before. How could she? That little bitch! How dare she behave like that? This was all her fault. I got up and started angrily walking around searching for her. My face was firm and the only feeling that I potrayed was anger. I started to smash everything I could see. I gave her everything and she hurt me like that. I saw a picture of us the day that we met (my friend Joe took it). She looked so young and goregous but look what she did. I threw the picture and all the glass shattered .

"Cara where the fuck are you?" I shouted punching the wall leaving a dent into it.

I looked everywhere but she was nowhere. Did she go to work? Then something caught the edge of my eye. A letter. It was a letter neatly folded on the side. Did this say that she decided to go to work or something.

I picked it up and read it out loud to myself and all I could see was red but I soon recovered and started to think of what I did. How could I do that to her? I am such a jackass. It took a few more seconds to reread it but everytime I read it, I felt more guilt. My anger was all gone and sadness filled the space. In the very seconds I read it, I realised it was never her fault. It was always mine. I'd driven her away and I was lucky she stayed for so long. If I was in her position I would have left ages ago. It was all my fault.

I then sat down with my head in my hands as I felt tears pricking my eyes and threatening to fall. All I could think about now was: What have I done ?

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