Carribien pt2

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I walked to the VIP lounge next to the pool. Me and this other guy were the only ones here.

"Hey um when does this meeting start"

"In 20 minutes . What's a lovely lady like you doing here"

"Iam mr Clarke's assistant Cara"

" nice to meet you Cara iam Jason mr Lawrence's assistant ,Well while we're waiting ill buy you a drink"

Everyone started to arrive. Miles was last. He didn't even look at me. Why was he ignoring me.

"Is mr Clarke ok"

"I don't know Jason il go see him, thanks again for the drink"

I walked over and pulled him to the side

"What's the matter with you, why are you ignoring me"

"Iam not Cara "

"Then what is it"

"Why don't you trust me"

" what"

"You should of told me from the beginning ."

"Look miles your being really unreasonable we have an important meeting and anyway I only ever told one person in my life. And now you. It's not something I like sharing"


"Still what miles. Iam sorry I don't go around telling the world I was almost killed by my husband"

"You just don't get it Cara "

"Get what"

"Look I just don't think this is working out after this trip iam going to have to let you go"

"What but"

"Iam sorry"

With that he walked away back into the VIP room . I was getting fired . How . No no no.

It took me a few minutes to calm my self down. Why would he fire me. I didn't even cross any lines with him.

I walked in a sat down next to him. I moved my chair as far away as I could.

"So let's start" said mr Lawrence

The meeting was over and globes global now owed 70 % of t corp . The deal wasn't going well till I pursued mr Lawrence to sigh on the deal.

After the meeting he approached me.

" you are a very convincing girl Cara"

"Thanks "

"Mr Clarke is very lucky to have you as his assistant "

I bit my lip and looked down

" iam officially not anymore "

"Oh that's a shame, it's not really surprising mr Clarke is known to switch assistants a lot but I have to admit your the first with brains and beauty ."

"Thanks "

"Well Cara il see you around. He took my hand and kissed it"

Once he left miles was the only one there sitting down at the table. He look upset. He looked up and saw me his eyes looked guilty. I spun around and walked to go and sunbath. If there was one thing I was going to do was get a tan.

It was 8 pm. I was walking to the bar when jake stopped me

"Hey Cara have you seen miles "

"No sorry"

"Oh ok so how was your day"

"Shit "

"Ok we'll il see you later"

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