6- Reunion

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Cara's POV

Chapter 6: Reunion

Saturday... The weekend has finally come. Work was okay but Mark was the only nice person to me. I got so many stares and everyone thought I was just this dumb blonde wanting to bed with Mr Clarke. Lauren still hated me and Miles never came out of his office. Life was not any getting better.

"Hey Cara are you going to that support group tonight?" Eva shouted to me.

"Don't remind me, Eva. I really don't want to go." I groaned.

"You need to Cara it will help you!" She said. I know it will but really a support group?

"How will sharing my most intimate problems with a group of strangers help me at all?" I asked.

"Please just go to one for me." She said and I groaned. She always used that with me.

" Ugh... only one but if it doesn't work, no more support group. Promise?" I asked and she nodded while smiling trumphaintly.


I was standing outside the building. It was so cold outside. I didn't want to go in but I promised Eva that I would go in there though. Why do I have to make promises? 'Here goes nothing.' I thought as I braced myself for the torture.

When I walked in I noticed that everyone was here and I was late. Everyone was sitting in a circle and talking between themselves. I quickly walked to a spare chair and sat down.

I looked around and froze. How? What? When? Why?! JAKE?! Why was he here? He was there. No! No! No! It can't be him. This has to be some sort of nightmare. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Suddenly he spoke... Oh great.

"Hi everyone, I am Jake!" He said and every responsonded with a "Hi Jake!"

"I've been a alcoholic for 15 years," He started, "I have also suffered from bipolar and I used to be an abusive husband till she walked out on me. She was so perfect. I haven't seen her since. I have made mistakes but I have not laid a finger on anyone since that day." I saw him gulp,  "But I am still trying to overcome being a alcoholic." He said and everyone started to clap. Oh God, help me now.

He didn't recognize me then again he hasn't even looked at me. I stared to feel sick. My body all hot and sweaty. I quickly took my coat of and looked down at the floor.

Daniel the leader started talking to Jake about something like looking for forgiveness in himself. I wasn't really listening. I was just gaping... I couldn't believe it.

"You are?" A voice piped.

"Um... Cara." I answered.

"Hi Cara." Everyone said in unison again.

Shit why did I just say that. I could feel him looking at me and I felt his stare at the back of my head.

"Um... I I suffer from panic attack. Um and I have gone through a lot. It's hard for me to trust and open up to people because of my expriences. This alone is very hard for me."

" We're here for you "They said in unison again. Has anyone ever said that his group is super creepy?

I quickly glanced up and he was still staring at me.

"Daniel where's the toilet?" I asked quickly.

"Upstairs to the left." He said and I nodded walking into the direction he had just said to me.

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