4- Miles

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Cara's POV

Chapter 4: Miles


Running has always calmed me. I could run for miles and always smile the whole way. It was a way for me to escape. Escape from the pain. Escape from the stress. Yes, it had been 8 years since I walked out but it feels like yesterday to me. Sometimes I can still feel his grab on my neck and the tears almost escaping my eyes.

They say the first thing you forget about someone is their voice . I can't seem to forget his. His voice always haunted my mind. It was hard to forget the five words he repeated every beating:

"You know I love you."

Cara stop thinking of him and think of yourself!

Eva had told me to stop off at Costa to get some coffee for her on the way home. She has always had this weird caffeine addiction. 

When I entered Costa to grab her coffee, there was a huge queue. Ugh, I was going to have to wait awhile and the smell of coffee was taking over my sense of smell. I just needed to get the coffee for Eva and go. Is that really that hard to do?

Once I reached the till, I smiled at the teenager who looked like he was working part-time for money. He looked about fifteen and had lots of freckles with his gingery hair.

"Hello. what can I get you?" He asked with a goofy grin.

"Oh hi, can I have one mocha please." I smiled and he nodded.

He went towards what I think is the coffee making machine and held up his finger to signal 'One minute!' so I waited. After one minute he came back and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said handing him the money and a little tip which he gladly took.

I quickly turned around with the coffee and hit what I think is a brick wall. Then I looked up and realized that I had accidentally knocked my coffee into a really muscular man. He was wearing this really posh suit that and had the most gorgeous hair in the world. Oh god, did I die or is this guy heaven? Then I came back to reality, I just spilled the coffee over him. Oh shit, don't sue me!

"I am am so sorry! Oh my god, I will pay for the dry cleaning and a coffee?" I offered.

I grabbed some tissue quickly off the side and rubbed his shirt to try and get the coffee stains out but boy was it hard when you are feeling all the muscles under that suit. Fit much...

"It's fine really ... It's not everyday I get coffee split on me." He chuckled and I raised an eyebrow at him.

Then I stopped and realized that everyone was staring at us. Oh my, this is so embarrassing.

"Um... so if you hand me the dry cleaning bill, I will happily pay for it. I am so sorry by the way!" I said giving him quite a good offer because that suit looks like it costs a million pounds.

"Ha ha don't worry about it." He said and I shook my head, "It didn't cost much, only a few thousand. I am Miles!" He greeted.

"WHAT?!" I literally screamed.

"It was only a few thousands, keep up." He chuckled. Oh god that deep chuckle.

"I'm Cara." I said.

"Nice to meet you Cara." He replied.

"Hey can you get my friend here Cara a new mocha coffee. It's on me." He ordered and the gingery boy went to grab it.

"Really you don't have to do that." I told him.

"You need your coffee." He laughed and I gave him a weird look, "You are half awake, you kind of hit me with coffee if you didn't forget already." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks for everything." I smiled.

The boy gave me the coffee and I apologized one more time before left. I still feel very guilty about that though.

"It was lovely meeting you Cara." He called to me and I waved.

Miles... What a nice guy... And not just his personality.

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