Chapter Ten

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Meredith whipped around. Her green eyes shifted through the crowds. She saw no one that looked suspicious. People walked around, some people moved away, but she didn't know who said it. It was male, but she didn't know who? Her mind went to Jack Campbell, like he was here, somewhere in the crowd, but no, he couldn't be.

"Your highness?"

Meredith turned back to the celebrity. "Sorry--" Cursing herself, Meredith wasn't supposed to apologize. "I thought I um... saw someone I knew... well, another celebrity." Curling back her lips, Meredith pasted a smile on her face. "I'm not used to all these celebrities yet, you know. It's hard to think I'm a celebrity. I still get excited."

The celebrity smiled. "You'll get used to it. Who did you think you saw?"

Fuck. "Um... Prince Harry." I'm actually stupid, Meredith thought"Excuse me, would you?" Turning her back to the celebrity, Meredith knew better but panic coursed through her veins. People came up to speak with her, but Meredith gave a polite smile and excused herself.

"Meredith," William said, stopping her.

"I need to find Harry." Meredith smiled, like no one would notice anything differently. "Have you seen him?"

"No. Why?" Prince William was good at acting like nothing was wrong, even when his future sister-in-law seemed to be messing everything up. "Meredith, what's up?"

"I just, um...." Meredith watched the crowds. Somewhere Harry was there, but his fiery hair didn't stick out. William, the future king, had to do. Turning back to him, Meredith whispered, "Do you know about Jack Campbell?"

William didn't flinch. "Yes."

The voice didn't sound like Jack Campbell's, but she didn't know whose voice it was.

"Meredith, do not worry."

That meant nothing to Meredith.

Another person came forward, and William directed his attention toward the CEO. Before Meredith was pulled in, she slipped away. She felt William's eyes glance her direction. It was too late; Meredith disappeared into the crowd. Keeping her head down, she moved to the edge of the crowd and popped up her head again. Scanning the crowd, it was nothing.

Her head thundered. Her heart pounded. Something in her broke. There wasn't a way for Jack Campbell to be here because Meredith knew-- Harry knew. Jack Campbell was in lock down-- in prison.

At the same time, Meredith questioned how that rose came to her long ago. Jack Campbell popped up, randomly, and she wondered why he waited so long now? A part of her questioned if this was even Jack Campbell, but she knew deep down it was. Jack liked to fuck with her, mess with her brain. He had obsessed over Prince Harry, all of it came to her.

Fiery hair popped out in the sea of balding heads and dresses. Meredith marched through. Stepping beside Harry, Meredith slid her arm through his, and he gave a smile. "Where have you been?" he asked.

"Around. Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yes. You?"

Meredith wasn't good at lying. Harry saw it. Like William, Harry was trained, and his face didn't falter. "Mere?"

Now that Meredith was beside Harry, she felt calmer, like he might protect her. Yet it was stupid for Jack Campbell to do anything publicly. There were too many people, and Jack Campbell was smarter than this. Pasting a smile on her face, Meredith tried to act naturally next to Harry.

It only lasted a few minutes until William appeared and stood on Harry's other side. The two brothers laughed, looking casual as ever, until William's eyes flashed over. Meredith wasn't doing well at impressing anyone and showing off her skills. If anything, it was giving William a good chance to dislike her.

Meredith knew she fucked up.

"Harry, I think Meredith needs some air," William said.

His blue eyes flashed toward his fiancee and gripped her hand. "Mere, let's go to the back."

They didn't leave the gala, but merely went to a secluded corner of the museum, further back until the music and voices weren't heard. Harry paused in the light with a massive portrait of a prime minister on the wall.

"This is going to sound insane, and before it happened, I was doing well," Meredith said before Harry said anything. "But then-- well, at least I'm weird, so people didn't notice but--" Meredith knew she needed to get to the point. "Someone said to me-- I don't know who but I know it's true. It wasn't in my mind. I know I heard it."

"Mere," Harry demanded, "what?"

"Jack Campbell says hi."

Harry stopped. "Someone said this to you."

"I don't know who. I don't know, but they went by. They were in here. It wasn't Jack, right?" Meredith just needed conformation. It was to know Jack Campbell didn't somehow escape.

"Of course it wasn't." Harry's eyes shifted right and left, like he might show up at any moment.

"We have to get back."

"We need to get back to Kensington, yes."

"No. We need to rejoin the gala," Meredith commanded. "We have to act normal. This is my first chance, Harry, and I've mucked it up. So I'm going to march back in there, and I am going to hopefully make it better. And I need you by my side."

Harry kissed her hand. "You were doing well."

"I need to do perfect." All eyes were on her, and tonight would be chalked up to nerves. 

"Mere, I don't--"

"I have to, Harry." Meredith slid her hands down her dark dress in hope to smooth it out. It wasn't necessary because it was still beautiful. Just like that, Meredith left the back and reentered the gala, Harry on her arm.

The night lasted long, and when the time came to leave, Harry escorted his future wife outside. At home, Meredith breathed a sigh of relief as she slipped off her heels. "Harry, can you undo my dress?"

Coming over, Harry unzipped kiss, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck.

Meredith pulled out a glass and poured alcohol into the glass. "Do you want one?"

"No, thanks." Harry leaned against the counter.

Downing her first glass, Meredith poured another glass of alcohol. "What are we going to do about Jack Campbell?"

Harry shook his head. "We can't do a lot to him. He's in prison."

"He's still somehow getting to me-- us. How does that work? He's on watch, isn't he? He killed two people and he beat me up. He also got in trouble for stalking," Meredith rambled. "But he still got the rose to me and now this moron, whoever the fuck it was!" Downing another glass, Meredith poured herself another.

"I've already contacted Bill about what happened, and he's working with security. Videos and photos are going through now. We're going to find him."

"That doesn't help."

"I've also contacted Buckingham about getting you a bodyguard. Usually you get one when you marry in, but I think it's time we get you one now, with all these threats," Harry said calmly. "We have a few lined up that are for extra help, but if you fancy one of them, it could easily be arranged that one of them to be permanent bodyguard."

Meredith knew it was a good start, but there was still Jack-- Jack got what he wanted. Placing the glass to her lips, Meredith paused. She looked at the white curtains. When it was dark outside, she saw nothing but claustrophobia. Meredith set down the glass with all the alcohol in it. "I'm going to bed."

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