Chapter Sixty-One

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It was hot, even with the breeze flying off the ocean. The sun beat down, and the water warmed. Meredith glided through the calm water. Her arms and legs worked hard to keep herself afloat. She didn't go out too far in this warm water, just in case of sharks. Harry had assured her sharks wouldn't bother her here, but Meredith didn't take the chance. She was used to swimming of the coast of Scotland, nowhere else.

The warmer water made it easier to push through, like it was lighter. Meredith dove down, opening her eyes to see the white sand underneath her. Meredith pushed herself to the surface, and she sucked in fresh air. Her body hovered high for a second, taking in as much air as possible. She felt like her lungs were ready to burst.

Meredith's eyes drifted out to sea, where no land was scene. The little cove where she swam was protected from the harshest of waves that threatened to come in. Waves bobbed her, and Meredith relaxed in them. Her body stayed afloat.

Chest up to the sky, Meredith felt the roaring heat of the sun as it came down. The cool breeze made her hair stand on end. She looked up into the cloudless sky and heard as the waves crashed into each other.

A yell echoed across the sea, and Meredith jerked her head out of the water, panic washing through her. She glanced every way, looking for the yelling. Harry stood on shore, waving his hands in the air. Thankfully, there didn't appear to be panic on his face. Meredith pushed through the water, getting closer to him, and then she stood.

"What?" she called.

"Breakfast," he answered.

Meredith walked out of the water and immediately into Harry's open arms. He had a towel waiting for her too, and he started to dry her off. Harry kissed the top of salty head. They walked up to the villa together.

"How was the swim?"

"Refreshing." She kissed his cheek. "How was your late morning?"

"Nice, but I expected you to be there when I woke up."

"Was it a disappointment that I wasn't?"

"Yes." He smiled.

They stopped on the back porch, and Meredith wiped off the sand and access water. She rung out her hair over the side of the wooden deck. A canopy was cast over to at least make it a bit cooler. Surprisingly, it was cooler on land as the breezed rippled of the sea. The smell of the salt never left.

"What's for breakfast?" she asked as she walked into the villa.

"Omelets, of course, and toast, just how you like it." He walked over to the refrigerator. "What do you want to drink?"


"Starting early, are we?"

"Fine. Orange juice then."

"With alcohol?"

"Hold the alcohol for later." She slid into the chair, and Harry came to sit down next to her. "Thank you for the breakfast." Meredith kissed him on the cheek. "I did plan on making it this morning."

Harry laughed. "I have no doubt." He placed a napkin in his lap and started to cut up his omelet. "Do you have any plans for today?"

Meredith looked over mysteriously. "I have a few. Do you have any?"

He shrugged. "Whatever you want."

She smirked, knowing exactly what came today, and so did Harry. There was an ocean; Meredith brought some books. Wherever Meredith went, Harry came. For now, it was meant to be a relaxing day. "You're going to get a few naps in today."

"Even better."

After a hearty breakfast, the newlywed couple cleaned up the table and did the dishes. Harry was in charge of washing while Meredith did the drying and putting away. Harry blew bubbles at Meredith, and she blew them back. The soap bubbles hovered in the air. Meredith dried another dishes, and Harry shoved more bubbles over. She rolled her eyes.

"Sometimes you're such a child."

"You're calling me a child?" he asked. "Who's thirteen years younger?"

She scoffed. "Who acts older?"

"That's a matter of opinion."

"Who? Who says you're more mature?"

"I have my moments, I'll have you know." He kissed her cheek.

They finished up washing and drying the dishes. Harry disappeared upstairs to get on his swim trunks, and Meredith went outside again. She stacked her books on the table, unsure if she brought enough. On lazy days like this, she just wanted to read and be in the ocean, just back and forth. In a few days, they were going to leave here, off on a journey through Africa, as Harry showed Meredith his favorite places. There were days to relax on the long journey, while some days meant to a lot of traveling and exploring.

Harry joined his wife outside as she laid on a couch, reading. Before he lied down beside her, she jumped up. "No reading?"

"Swimming first." She took him by the hand.

"I don't think we're supposed to be swim right after eating."

"Scared you might drown?"

Harry laughed. "No, but I do need help with this. If you wouldn't mind."

Meredith took the bottle of sunscreen from his hands and started to lather him up. It was a constant thing when he was in the sun, and today was no different. The sun was even worse as it reflected off the ocean, threatening to blind and burn. Meredith did herself enough, but for Harry, she put on several layers.

"Did we bring enough of this stuff?"

"How much are you applying?"

Meredith paused and looked at her work. "Well, I can say you're definitely not going to get a sunburn."

"We'll stop to be more." He turned around and retrieved the bottle. "Do you need any?"

"I did myself."

"I know there are places that you can't reach."

"I got those places just fine, thank you." Meredith threw the bottle onto the couch under the canopy. "I'm warning you: the sand is a bit hot, so we should make a run for it."

"Race you." Harry took off, sprinting toward the water. He crashed in, spreading water onto shore and creating waves of his own. Meredith stayed on the shore, watching him like the dork he was. "Come on!" Harry yelled. "Don't be a sore loser."

Meredith rolled her eyes and carefully walked across the sand until she reached the water.

"Come on, Mere, it was a race." He swam around.

"Whenever do I run?" Meredith asked.

"Good point." Harry pulled her deeper into the water.

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