Chapter Fifty-Six

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Harry's arms curled around Meredith, and he planted a kiss on her cheek. She blushed. His hot breath was right by her ear; goosebumps arose on her skin. He took a drink of water after the long and dancing night that they had. 

"Do you want something?" she whispered, liking that she was this close to him. With the eyes on them, it became a bit nerve racking, but she wanted to live in the moment.

"You," he breathed into her ear as the party went on around them.

"A couple hours." Then it was their wedding night-- and then it was their honeymoon.

"Are you liking all this royal attention?" he asked, continuously out of breath. "You're surrounded by royals, and you're fitting in."

"I'm not sure if I like the attention, but it's here." Meredith's eyes looked across the room. "We can't just leave Granny in charge."

"What's one more night on seventy years on the throne?" His eyes flashed up. "How many of these gentlemen have you gotten through tonight?"

"Quite a few." Meredith remembered their names and ranks, and now she knew how they danced. While royals were taught how to dance at some point in their lives, enough politicians stepped on her feet tonight. At least one toenail had to be chipped. Most of the room had come and gone, and even now it started to thin out. It was between dancing and good byes. It didn't matter the ages that came to dance with her, but she knew them all.

If she was back home getting married, it wouldn't be so structured. Meredith had a list to get through tonight, but at home she would dance with her friends with the Chicken Dance and other timely dances. The orchestra played here, changing in different genres. When a Celtic wave came on, Meredith welcomed the change, and she danced quickly. Other people left the dance floor.

"Next time," Meredith said, "you get to wear the heels."

Harry threw his head and laugh. "If that's what you wish. Do you want me to wear the dress too?"

Meredith rolled her eyes. "And what about all the women you've danced with tonight?"

"What about them?" Harry acted innocent.

"Did they enjoy your company?" Meredith knew the answer because she loved the answer: yes.

"I'm sure they did." He smiled, mysteriously like he knew something she didn't .

Always a charmer, Meredith thought. And he was hers for the rest of his life.

"Can I get you anything?" Harry asked suddenly. Twirling her, they faced each other. "Water? Food? Anything?"

She swallowed. "Water would be nice. Thank you."

Harry kissed her on the forehead and then disappeared into the crowd.

Meredith wasn't alone for too long as other royals and dignitaries came over and wished her good luck. Meredith smiled and accepted. While she was sweaty and thought of herself a mess, people still complimented her on her beauty earlier and now. "You are glowing with happiness."

An uncontrollable blush crept up on her cheeks. "Thank you."

After that person was gone, another stepped into their place, and after that group was gone, another stepped into their place. Meredith's green eyes glanced off to the side, where Harry had disappeared. Two glasses of water were in his hands, but people surrounded him, yapping away. He glanced over and smiled. Meredith grinned.

"Your highness," said a cool voice, and Meredith turned to smile at the new person. "It is your highness now, yes?"

"Yes." It was still odd to be your highness.

Most people when speaking to Meredith launched into a conversation, but this person watched Meredith carefully. Not backing down, she smiled politely at him, and they waited with even gazes.

"Did you know about the Glencoe Massacre?" he asked.

With the smile on her face, the rest of Meredith's body froze. Her dress froze, like ice. Her heart paused as well. She wanted to grasp for control, but instead, she laced her fingers together. Meredith watched as control flew out the window. Hoping her face didn't falter, Meredith's eyes narrowed.

"I'm a historian, you see," he began. "I--I-- I think that history is very important, and it can't be repeated and--"

"Never trust a Campbell."

The man laughed. "Yes, yes. Many people don't know that outside of Scotland."

"I learned it Scotland."

"Did you visit Glencoe?"


"It's sad what people can do others, isn't it, your highness?"

She sighed. "Is there a reason you bring up Glencoe?"

"It's my area of study." His explanation came out quickly, like he was uncomfortable. "I study Scotland and the clans of Scotland."

"I didn't realize we have many historians at the wedding."

"I'm the added one." Looking across the ballroom, he pointed at the wife. "She's the foreign minister. I'm just here because she wanted me to be here, and I know how much you like Scotland so I thought I might come talk you-- but I--"

"I'm sorry." Meredith stepped forward. "It's been a long day, and Scotland is wonderful, truly." Sighing, Meredith glanced across the room toward Harry. "And it holds a lot of happiness for me, but also, I was attacked there."

It was public knowledge, but it wasn't much discussed. "Your highness, I didn't mean to bring up the past."

"It's quite all right, but I learned not to trust Campbells." Like she was drawn to him, Meredith said, "Excuse me." Meredith didn't wait as the man said another thing, and she didn't glance back. Making her way through the crowd, the smile stayed pasted on her face. Everyone else smiled at her. When she stood next to Harry, she wrapped her arms around him.

Harry kissed the top of her head. "You couldn't wait for me?"

She laughed. "Oh, you know me."

Meredith's eyes scanned the crowd, and the historian still hovered on the edge, looking into his drink. A second later, a woman of his age came over, and they left together. Turning her attention back to the group of people, she waited for the night to be over, or at least she waited to have Harry all alone.

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