Chapter Sixty

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Meredith stood on the beach as the sun started to set. Light danced off the waves, threatening to blind her. Brilliant hues echoed across the sky, from delicate pinks to deep purples with a nice splash of orange. The dark sky soon began to follow with shining stars, and little designs designed the sky.

The waves rolled in with one crush after another. The heat had gone down, and now, Meredith shivered. It was quiet beside her on the beach. After the long few months in London and around, she was so used to the loud noise of the city. It was eerie to be this quiet. It was awe-inspiring to see the stars again. In London, the starts didn't easy shine.

Feeling the sand shift underneath her feet, Meredith felt Harry coming before she heard him. He hobbled off deck and came to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with her. He watched the nature as well, but it only lasted for a second. Harry's blue eyes turned to Meredith. A breeze came off the sea, blowing her hair back. One strand stuck in her dress, and Harry gently pulled it out. It blew free.

Meredith pulled her eyes from the sky and looked to Harry, smiling softly.

"Did you get enough to eat?" Harry asked.

"We had a feast. Thanks for doing the dishes."

"I knew I couldn't keep you from the sea for too long."

"Will you tell me where we're going after here?"

"Inland for a while, if you don't mind," he added. His eyes hovered on Meredith just to wonder if she minded. By the look on her face, she didn't. "But we'll come back to the ocean, I promise. I just want to show you the beauty of this continent."

"Thank you, Harry." Her eyes went back out to sea. "Even when we go back to London, we won't be long for here."

Harry smirked. "You seem to know more than I do about our upcoming journey."

"I make Jessica tell me things. I'm annoying like that." Meredith winked.

"Do you miss London already?" he asked calmly. "I know how much you love the city sound and all the people-- all the exploring."

"I love you more." Her green eyes hesitated on Harry, and her all-knowing came out in full blast. It was a mixture of "don't you know?" and "forever and always." Harry expected her to look back to the sea, to watch the colors change more, but she didn't blink. "I can stay away from London for a little while. It will be that much more special when we go home."

"I feel that way about this place."

"Did you come here as a child?"

"Pa and Wills and I used to come here on vacation because it's really one of Pa's friend's places. Pa always took us across Africa, where there is natural beauty. It's my Scotland," he whispered, as if not to speak over the waves. "Do you miss Scotland?"

"I think I like things more green. Sorry."

"Don't apologize for that." Harry laughed. "You just want to climb all those mountains."

"I just want a good butt. What can I say?"

Harry watched Meredith and how calm she was now. Yes, she was organized; yes, she knew what to do-- but that also made her going a million miles an hour. Even when she was at home and calm, her mind raced to do a million things. Cut off from the outside world, Meredith had no choice but to relax. She didn't need to worry and she didn't need to think about the things she couldn't change.

The wind took her hair back again, revealing her calm face. A slight smirk made the right side corner of her moth turn up. Her eyes sat naturally wide. Her shoulders remained down. In this moment, Meredith looked like a queen.

Placing her arms, Meredith curled within herself after a hefty gust of wind came off the ocean. Her thin sweater didn't offer much assistance. Meredith had too much confidence when it came to a chill in the air and what she could handle. Yet her eyes searched the horizon, even after the colors were gone. Stars danced above them. A bright moon hung low. She shivered.

"Are you ready to go inside?" Harry asked delicately.

So soft, like the wind was Harry's voice, and Meredith wasn't sure if she heard him correctly. Her eyes rested on him for a second. Leaning over, Meredith kissed him. Her arms wrapped around him, and the next shiver that went across her skin wasn't from the cold. Harry kissed her with no hesitation. Finally alone-- completely alone-- there wasn't a threat of someone walking in or interrupting.

"Why do we need to go inside?" Meredith's flipped her hair out of her face.

Pushing him down on the sand, Harry slowed lowered at Meredith's request. After towering over him for a second, Meredith came down on top of him, kissing him again. Harry's touch turned Meredith's skin to fire under her clothes. Her fingers through through his short hair. Harry fingers pushed her hair away to have a clearer way to her lips. Her hair smelt like strawberries, but her lips tasted like mint.

Another large gust of wind came off the ocean, knocking both of them over. Meredith landed on top of Harry before rolling off of him. She laughed, and he chuckled, holding his stomach.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" she asked, a little scared.

"No, I'm good." Harry looked out to the ocean, where the waves now roared in. The waves inched closer and closer. "We might have to go inside soon."

Meredith's eyes traveled to the water's edge. It graced her toes. "Or now." She hopped up and pulled Harry to his feet.

They began to ran inside. Sands made their feet slip. The two almost crashed down a few times, but they kept their footing. Another gust of wind came, propelling them forward. Meredith's blonde hair blew around, making her blind for a second. Harry led her inside the villa. The door was hard to close, but when it did, the newlywed couple flopped down on the couch.

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