Chapter Seventeen

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By the time that Meredith actually got out of bed with Harry, she only had an hour before having to leave for the event. On a normal day, it was perhaps more than enough time. Today wasn't a normal day as Harry didn't leave her alone for one second, planting kissed along her jawline. Meredith didn't push him away, not minding the attention. Every kiss he gave left a burning blush on her skin.

When it was time to go, Meredith curled her arms around Harry and gave him a hug kiss.

"I'll be here waiting."

A blush reddened her skin, and Meredith didn't even know that was possible. "Since I have an event with your retired granddad, we'll see what happens."

Retired was a relative term to the Duke of Edinburgh, who chose to go into retirement after working for over seventy years, but eventually Philip did get bored. As he complained, "There isn't any good on the telly during the day." Meredith didn't watch much telly during the day, so she didn't know. While retirement suited him well, this boredom caused issues when he wanted to go out and do things.

The charity event today was of his own trust, and he had done it for the last seventy years or so, he didn't quit it now. Special guests just came along with him. He needn't even more far, since the trust recipients came to Buckingham Palace. In his advanced age of almost one-hundred, she understood that.

In her ride over to Buckingham Palace in a black and sleek car, Meredith couldn't hide the smile on her face from this morning. The thought of Harry just made her happy. Her mind dangerously focused on him, especially since he would be there when she got back. She didn't have any plans in mind, but all she wanted was him.

Meredith followed as the butler showed her in where the Duke of Edinburgh waited. He gave a polite smile, and Meredith hugged him. "How are you?" she asked. It was on much more personal with the duke than with the Queen. With the Queen, Meredith was scared to make any sudden movement or step out of line. Even though the Queen was nice and welcoming toward her future granddaughter-in-law, Meredith was terrified.

"Not dead yet," Philip responded. A crystal glass of scotch shined in his hand. "Do you want one?"

Always. "No, thank you." While it was a normal response, Meredith questioned, "Do you think I'll be dead soon?"

"Faster than you."

"Not to be rude but I hope so." With Philip and Meredith, it was similar personalities of bluntness, battering and stubbornness. Meredith realized this very quickly after meeting him when she tried to be polite. Philip didn't care if someone was polite as long as they had a sense of humor.

"You're smiling more than usual," Philip noticed.

"Why do you say that?" Meredith was careful not to change her face now, where it might come suspicious.

"You're not a morning person." Philip laughed. "I see my grandson made you a happy woman."

"He is marrying me. I'm very lucky."

"I meant last night. Or this morning," he said. "Lilibet always tells me I shouldn't pre-judge."  Philip took a swig of the scotch. He glanced into the glass, feeling the smoothness of the alcohol. He sighed.

"How long has she been telling you that?"

"Our whole marriage." He laughed, and after a few seconds, he started to cough. Before Meredith came over to help, Philip held up a hand in stubbornness. His other hand placed a handkerchief over his mouth to cover it up. "I've been feeling this way for the while. The doctors say I'll be fine." He shook his head. "They're morons that's what they are."

Meredith paused. "You think you're actually dying? I don't allow that."

Philip laughed. "It's not your choice, is it?"

"Whose choice is it?"

"Mine, hopefully. God, if he's real." Philip let out a bark of laughter. "I've had a good life. I've done things. I've seen the world. I did more than I ever thought. I lost people and friends, and it's gets to be tiresome and lonely at my age."

Meredith swallowed.

"Oh, don't give me that look because you already know. It's lonely at your age, and you're young and filled with hope. Once you join the monarchy, once you're inside, you can never get out. You aren't normal again. You can't do one thing by yourself." Philip shook his head. "It only gets worse as you get older," he admitted. "We have family, but all my friends are gone. They keep me alive by pushing things into my veins and telling me to eat my vegetables. All I want is some Goddamn bacon-- to live a little."

Not sure how to respond, Meredith said nothing. Jessica taught her that.

"You're fitting well in, aren't you?" Philip smiled. "I at least was in a different time, where cameras weren't always in my face. I pity you because that will be your life, expect you allow them in."

"I believe in allowing the cameras in," she stated, "so that they see we are humans. We have a better understanding with the public."

Philip nodded. "Times have changed. I know this better than anyone, but you have to watch your mouth and your actions. All eyes are on you, but I don't need to tell you that. The monarchy is telling you that, telling you not to trust anyone."

"I trust you," she said.

He laughed. "If I die, I'm going to outshine your wedding, I hope you know that."

"Hmm, I really couldn't care less. A wedding is a wedding. It's a royal wedding so it's a spectacle. If there are less eyes on me and eyes on someone else, I wouldn't mind. At the same time, I do hope it's not because of you."

"We all get to that age where people just starting dying around us." He took a sip of his scotch and put it down, straightening his jacket. "Are you ready, my dear?"

"Yes, your highness."

Standing two feet behind the Duke of Edinburgh, Meredith followed behind him as they walked through some red carpeted hallways until they reached the room, where they paused. When the Duke of Edinburgh gave a nod, the butlers opened the doors. With his head held high and a smile on his face, the Duke of Edinburgh walked in to a loud greeting.

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