Part 17: All thanks to you Gryffindor princess

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"What is it Draco?" She asked out of concern. Draco didn't reply to her which made Hermione to worry more.

"Draco?" She asked grabbing his arm and forcing him to face her. "What is it?"

Draco didn't meet up her eyes and replied a few moments later.

"It's my mother."


A pained expression took over Draco's beautiful face as he read the letter. Hermione was still confused because he wasn't saying anything and that was scaring her.

When she closely observed the letter, she saw the St. Mungos seal.

"St. Mungo's?" Hermione asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Draco whispered. "She's in St. Mungos."

Hermione didn't know what actually happened to Narcissa but she guessed that Narcissa would be really very ill else she would get the same medication in the Manor. The gorgeous queen-like features of Narcissa flashed in her head. When Draco preferred to remain silent, she didn't push him either. They both turned their gaze to the endless sky.

The sun was dipping low and a pure shade of orange mixed with red spread the sky. The horizon had a shade of bright pink. Birds were returning to their home, wailing their songs on their way. A strong blow of wind hit Hermione's face spreading her brunette hair on her face. She removed the strands and tucked them behind her ear.

In the act, she caught a glimpse of Draco's face. His eyes were red and watery. The tip of his nose was pinched red. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and seeing him like this broke her heart more than anything. There was grave sadness in his eyes tainted with fear.

She didn't think before acting. She stretched her arms out and pulled him into a warm, comforting hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him in the manner to say-

It's alright, I am here. Do not worry.

Draco didn't hesitate even a second to hug her back. He wrapped his arms around her waist and dug his face into her hair, inhaling the vanilla scent she wore.

His tears didn't stop and she continued to hug him. Draco, also lost in her arms, didn't pull away either. Its been so long since anyone has comforted him. Her arms around him felt like an inevitable support to him and he somehow knew he was never gonna lose it.

When he didn't stop crying, Hermione rubbed her hands on his back up and down meaning to calm him down.

"It's going to be fine. I am here," she said softly.

Draco finally pulled away and looked directly into her brown doe eyes.

"Tell me what had happened to her," she demanded to know.

Hermione always had her interest in healing, medicines and potion. She wanted to be a healer after Hogwarts. With her O.W.Ls and her intelligence, nobody had a tiny bit of doubt about her brilliance in that department. Draco too knew that.

He nodded and began to tell her the complete story. She was quite patient about it when Draco choked up in the emotional part and she had her arms wrapped around his waist all the while. In the end, Draco was quite stable and listened to what she was saying.

"I can figure a way out, I think, but for that, I need to get to her," she answered assuredly. "Can we go?" She asked.

"Of course. Whenever you say," Draco replied as a ray of hope grew inside his heart.

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