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It was a frigid, early morning in late November. The sun was arising with clouds appearing and the sky - colored with red, pink and yellow combined. There was hollering across the grass fields, pupils clinking with their lacrosse sticks and the sound of kicking with soccer balls.

Finn hid under the rusty bleachers, as he was lighting his cigarette. He had planned on skipping morning lacrosse and head over to the dining hall to grab lunch. The burning of smoke frizzled out of the small cylinder folded with stuffed weed inside. He chuckled lightly, grinning to himself. He remembered, catching Noah, smoking a joint behind the academy. Since then, Noah would give him the catch and pleaded with Finn to not tell anyone. Who would've thought; small, pretentious Noah would do such a thing? He would always see Noah, walking down those long halls, smiling at everybody he saw, but once his eyes caught to Finn's, he averted them, walking to the other direction. Finn knew very well he was blackmailing him - which reminded him, he needed another few packs later in the day.

His mind was boggled with so many things, things that he planned to do throughout the day. He blew out another puff of smoke, nose button red from the cold. His gear was right beside him and he was planning on putting them back on, heading to the field to participate for morning lacrosse practice. Actually, fuck no. He doesn't even give a flying fuck in the slightest. Mister Petter, his lacrosse Coach, could holler and scream at him all he wants, but Finn still wouldn't care. That bald headed, wrinkled man needed a break. Sure the elder man was utterly fit and hyperactive, but he always looked weary and stressed by the end of the day.

Another drag from his cigar. Jesus, he really should've brought a jacket with him. His St. Flintridge gym wear wasn't enough to cover his pale, long legs and arms. Perhaps, he'll head back to the locker room where no one will-

"Hey, traitor."

Finn whirled around his head swiftly, heart beating out of his chest. For a terrifying second, he thought surely it was Mister Petter and he would get expelled from the academy officially. He was ready to fleet until he saw Caleb, grinning from ear to ear.

Finn gave out a relieved sigh and squeezed his eyes shut. "Fuck man, you scared the shit out of me."

Caleb sat next to Finn, under the bleachers, covered by the dark shade, protecting them from the bright sun that could blaze them.

Caleb raised a brow as he said, "You were suppose to give me a pack."

Finn furrowed his brows as he followed Caleb's pointed finger to the plastic bag, filled with weed.

He huffed out a heavy sigh. "Sorry bro, I can't escape morning lacrosse."

Finn peeked out of the bleachers slightly, catching Mister Petter, practically screaming at a pupil, pointing out to the other side of the field. Finn assumed he was only yelling because the pupil must've accidentally, kicked their soccer ball to the other side, which was where players were playing lacrosse. Mister Petter was sternly strict about this shit and when he's so focused on the field, it's easy for students to skip the class easily. It wasn't that hard to proceed.

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