[ 09 ]

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Early morning. Birds chirping. Hollering and chattering.

Things were going just dandy for Millie. She had her soccer uniform, knee socks and athlete cleats on, with two small pigtails flopping in the back of her shoulder blades. Her grades were excellent; teachers always beaming at her in the hallways or class sessions and her school life was absolutely fine! Nothing to worry about. Not a sweat.

She had called Charlie twice a week, telling him the adventures and discoveries she had experienced and how she was coping with the flat that Sadie and her shared. Yes, everything was just dandy.

The grass was a bit wet from the night before due to the sprinklers as she walked with her cleats. She could hear the frantic gushing sound, water and mud mixing together as one. Goodness gracious. Now why must they practice at a time like this? Ridiculous.

She smiled at some of her teammates, although most of them silently refused to return one back, too busy with their own lives. That's fine. Millie didn't mind. She headed to the bleachers, dropping her leather book bag and water canteen on one of the rusty seats, grabbing her soccer ball, or football in that matter, before heading off to the field.

Plans, plans, plans. Now what can you say? Millie was just a busy bee doing busy things. She had a calculus test later on in the horrendous evening that she hadn't had the time to do yet, mainly due from being so overwhelmed and irritated.

From afar, she spotted Finn with his lacrosse stick; the triangular head of the tip of the object with a mesh pouch dangling down to the dewy grass. His thin eyebrows were furrowed together, face flushed a bit with peppered sweat droplets here and there. His helmet, which looked to be way heavier than his own weight, bobbled instinctively hiding most of Finn's curls under the heated pressure.

Millie smiled, shaking her head in disbelief on how the boy's expression was scattered with grimace or annoyance. Either way, he just looked cute. Cute Freckled Finn. Being a cute, confused child.

She started approaching him, not caring in the world if Mister Petter came out of nowhere, probably screaming at her to get to her side.

Catch me if you can Mister Petter! Catch me if you can!

Now what Millie didn't really seem to expect was Finn frowning even wider as she approached him. She tried to grin, raising her foot up touching on the painted white line between them.

"Don't," he muttered unenthusiastically, nothing but a frown plastered onto his lips.

Millie quirked a challenging brow, pushing her foot farther into the muddy ground. Finn narrowed his eyes stepping closer, anger flushed all over.

"I said don't."

All Millie could do was laugh but once she stopped, she realized Finn wasn't joking. He seemed dead serious. Eyes darkened under the helmet, face seeming to turn beet red - what was his problem?

"What's your problem? Lighten up-"

"You see, I won't lighten up Mills, so if you could just piss off!"

He was angry. No annoyed or tired expression. He was angry.

"What did I do to you?" she asked weakly, feeling her adrenaline rising.

He scoffed bitterly, shaking his head. "Funny you ask. Just forget it."

"I won't forget it! We're friends right? Shouldn't we tell each other things when we're feeling low?" Millie wasn't having it. Any of it. How did all of this escalate so fast?

Finn stood there, staring at her. It must've been moments, with him just standing still, deadpan expression on his stifled face.

"You and Even huh?"

Millie just blinked. How did Even come up? How did this all-

"What about him?"

His face soften with his lips pressed together as he looked down to the ground.

"Are you- are you jealous?"

Finn suddenly shot his head up, eyes widen.

"No!" he snapped reluctantly.

"You are!"

"Look, Even is just- he's psycho okay! A prestigious, stuck up asshole-"

Millie recoiled as though if she was slapped in the face. If only he knew.

"Finn don't call him that," she whispered, hands tightening onto her ball. "Don't ever say that."

"Why not? Huh? Because what-"

"Finn! Watch what you fucking say-" Millie snapped in a hushed tone.

He was slightly taken aback by Millie's defense, face full of betrayal and sullenness. "I can't be bothered with this. I can't be bothered with you- anyone-"

Her eyes were stinging. Her heart was breaking.

"Why do you even talk to me Millie? I'm an outcast. A nobody. And you know what you are? A high standard chick looking for her next clickbait. We can't all be fucking rich entitled assholes either, can we?" He spat out finally, gritting his teeth as he dropped his lacrosse stick.

"Fuck you Finn Wolfhard, fuck you."

Millie had heard enough; she ran towards the bleachers to grab her things then the gates, tears spilling down her eyes, hating Finn Wolfhard almost as much as she hated herself.

Once she got to the lockers, she pulled out her phone out of her small pocket.

When do we meet up? she typed.

After exactly dinner :)

Then consider it a date. xx

>> End of Chapter 09 <<

[JAA, so that was the end of this chapter :-')) please don't hate me]

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