[ 16 ]

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The rose gardens were trailed down to the dense path ever so explicitly. January was still here; lazy fog that filled the everlasting sky and falling light white flakes that plummeted the pattered plants one by one.

Millie had yet not realized how frigid it was, coming back to reality with her own stupidity as in wearing a gray sweater vest and pale green long sleeves with her black skirt and knee socks were not the right suggestion.

She met up with Sadie and Isak, who were formally covered up due to the obnoxious weather, at the bench tables near to the garden pathway. Isak was kind enough to lend over his scarf to the brunette, shrugging it off as it was "being a gentleman".

Millie smiled at that, taking a bite out of the fuji apple she had picked out in the dining hall. Sadie sat on the edge of the table as she grinned that devious smile that made Millie jittery all over. It was that knowing and smug expression that got her worked up.

"What do you want, Sadie?" she asked once she looked into the redhead's crystal blue eyes.

Sadie just grinned even wider.

"How's your boy?"

Oh god.

Millie felt her cheeks burning profusely as she took another bite of her apple, avoiding Sadie's gaze. She hadn't thought of Finn not once in the morning; too busy with other activities in particular, but now the thought of him flowing in her mind made her blush harder.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you do," Isak chimed in with a small giggle. "You were hanging out with him throughout the whole trip."

Millie gulped lowly as she looked down at her flats like it was the most intriguing thing that she had ever laid eyes on. Was it really that obvious?

She noticed Sadie could sense her discomfort as she spoke, "Look Millie, I- well, I mean we-"

"-We? Who said we-" Isak interrupted but the redhead ignored him and continued.

"-Aren't assuming anything. But if you know-"

"Sadie! I get it," Millie exaggerated with a raise of hands and eyebrows.

Sadie gave a smirk as she glanced at Isak. "Well it seems you're not the only one who has eyes for someone."

Millie looked over to Isak, who's green eyes became oddly larger and his face washing over to light pink.

"And may I ask who is this brave soul that our small grump is showing affection for?" Millie quipped with a grin.

"I am not a grump!" Isak whined.

"Are too!" both girls shot back in unison, loud enough for others to turn around and look at them, though most of them just rolled their eyes.

"It's okay though," Sadie continued as she reached over to pet Isak's soft curls. "We love you anyway."

Isak groaned with a heavy roll of his eyes.

"Right," Millie agreed, remembering the subject at hand. "Now, who is it Isak?"

Isak looked down tentatively as he tapped lightly on the wooden bench. "It's-"

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