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get ready for heartbreak >:(



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"Dude, are you still trying to get into that scholar's pants?" Romeo grins, flicking off some weed from the ash tray.

"First of all, you're a moron and second she has a name," Finn bites out as he takes another drag from his crumpled joint. With Romeo's talking, the best strategy was to always get high as possible, as quick as possible and Finn can already feel the fuzz kicking in.

He rested on the floor, lightly banging his head on the harden wall with Caleb, moronic Romeo and a few other rags that were so called friends of Caleb.

They were all sitting behind the school campus, snickering and plotting on their next chick bait - well mainly the others with Finn sitting by, listening nonchalantly.

"Oi, I heard she once hooked up with five guys at a party back in England. Third-year guys, when she was just a first year. She was basically a toy," Caleb sneered.

Finn gritted his teeth as his stomach twisted frantically. That was all bullshit rumors. He'd even mentioned the one with Millie hosting a british strip club underground, and Millie had only laughed hysterically, because seriously, St. Flintridge was always drooling for gossip.

But Finn couldn't help the thought of Millie's lips attached to a boy's, hands trickling to the back of his neck as the boy's hands hold firmly onto her small waist-

And suddenly, it's not just any boy anymore, it's Finn. Her fingers twisting into his curls, lips tasting like cherry and grape wine. Pulling him closer, sighing as her eyes fluttered opening prettily.

He gulped, and took another swift of his cigar. Five guys isn't particularly the same as one pathetic boy with a overdramatic imagination. Cigarettes is a wonderful fucking substance, because none of the guys noticed the stupid blush that formed onto his cheeks.

"I heard Even is trying to get with her," Romeo snorts. He was clearly high off his rear end as Caleb sing-songs, "You know what they say, Even only likes elegant girls."

Finn couldn't help but imagine Millie and Even together. Of course Even would fall for her. She's probably seen all the movies Even has watched, or at least have an interaction about them intelligently. Sometimes, they'd walk hand in hand like they were the two happiest people in the world, smiling at each other with so much love. And when she leans up to kiss the tall blonde, she would smear her pretty pale pink lipstick on his, camouflaging perfectly on his plump lips. She'd probably go to every of his football/soccer games too, cheering him on like she's determined. Like she cares.

God, Finn is so dramatic he can't fucking stand himself sometimes. The image is locked in his head now, no matter how high he is, he can never erase it.

"Millie is hot, but, man, it'd be impossible to tell whether she likes you. She always seems to frown at me, you know?" a guy named Elias chimes in, high like everyone else.

"When does anyone notice you man?" Caleb snorts, getting a few snickers from the others.

"Why are we even talking about Finn and Millie? What about Caleb and Sadie?" another one says making Romeo giggle.

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