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Finn's family was never big on skiing. He only remembered a ski holiday back when he was four - his father insisting on teaching him to ski just as soon as he'd learned to cycle. However, the holiday quickly took a turn for the worse, and not only did his parents fight the whole time, his father actually ended up with a severe head injury. They never booked another ski trip again.

Now here he was, stepping into the Roskilde Cabin Restort, with people all around him, floating down the slope hills, graceful in their turns and motions. Families slowly make their way down, holding onto each other's hands. Some teenagers, that were not from his school, compete to make it to the bottom of the hill as fast as possible.

From afar, he could see the small cabins spotted on the small hills with the house lights flickered on and some thrift stores, filled with souvenirs, fellow pedestrians going in and going out.


He smiled to himself as he turned around, knowing that perky tone of voice anywhere.

And there she was, the small and pretty brunette. Her buttoned nose was tinted pink with a pastel scarf covering around her small figure and maroon beanie, that hid her short hair in beneath.

Finn raised his eyebrows in mocking surprise as he looked around like he didn't know her. He then pointed to himself, restraining him from plastering a smirk on his freckled face.

"Are you- are you talking to me?"

Millie rolled her eyes fondly, shaking her head to the ground.

"No, I was talking to the sky," she shot back sarcastically, waving her hand nonchalantly.

He couldn't help but break into a smile once again as he tilted his head, curls falling with him.

Just in that moment, Sadie appeared, slinging an arm around Millie's shoulder.

The redhead flashed Finn a mischievous grin, in which he frowned in simple return.

Finn suddenly could spot Eva standing near their transportation with a clipboard in her hand when she spotted Sadie as well. She had a dubious frown plastered on her face once she started to approach the three. She marched right up to Sadie instead, her green eyes darkened to a somewhat mixture of black and the vibrant color of emerald. "You did not sign up," she deadpanned.

Finn shot Sadie a questioning gaze, who rolled her eyes so hard they might've been stuck to the back of her head.

Millie swiftly scooted over to the fierce redhead, hovering next to her. "In the announcements last week they said there were still opening spots."

Eva scoffed. "Yeaah," she drawls, "That you had to sign up for. I'm sorry but delinquent red here simply can't come if she did not sign up for or give a deposit."

Finn winced. Of course, for the time being, he had known several students spread horrendous rumors about the poor girl for numerous, unreasonable things.

Before anything could get out of hand, a tall honey-blonde boy appeared out of nowhere with a pair of iridescent blue eyes. "What's going on?" he asked.

Folding her arms, Eva stated, "Sadie here, didn't sign up for the trip, so I am dearly sorry but she can't continue here. She sadly has to be sent back to the academy."

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