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M I L L I E 

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"What kind of bullshit is acceleration and velocity?"

Millie had looked up from the wondrous book she had been reading. It was preferably a lazy Sunday afternoon, with both girls sprawled out on each other's bedspread as they lay peacefully with gentle humming that got lost through their shallow lips and the endearing light from the sky.

Sadie was frustrated. That was pretty normal in their dorm; with the redhead who would rant morning through night, whether it was dreadful or wonderful. She was typing fiercely onto her laptop as her glasses continued to mischievously slip off on the tip of her nose that was painted over with freckles.

"Fucking glasses," she muttered, pushing the middle that was in between the crystal clear lenses. Millie beamed.

"What do you need help with?" the brunette had inquired as she hopped off of the warm sheets of cotton, walking over to the haphazard mess of books that centered around the foot of Sadie's bed.

"With life," the redhead sighed, grabbing one of the opened textbooks near her. "That's it, Millie. The horrible hell of the world ending to adulthood."

Millie rolled her eyes with a bob of her messy bun as she flopped lazily right next to Sadie. "I'm sure it's not that bad. Acceleration and velocity, you say?"

"Yes! Why must they both be similar? It menaces everything!"

Millie blinked dubiously at the freckled girl then looked back at the laptop. She grinned.

"Sadie, have you not learned those concepts like, in the eighth grade?"

The redhead pouted as she slumped lowly, exposing the bit of her shoulder from her oversized purple tee. "Does it matter? Everyone forgets a bunch of shit from school, especially in middle school."

"Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell," the brunette joked.

"Ha. Ha. Aren't you the jokester of the year!"

"Why, thank you," Millie giggled as she used the tip of her fingers to slip off Sadie's glasses gently to put the lensed spectacles to her face. "I'm hilarious and smart."

Sadie sighed. "I think you need to stop hanging around that loser, Finn. His stupidity impacted you way too much."

Millie scoffed. "Not that much."

"Yeah, that much. I bet you guys say "I love you" everyday like every other clingy couple who can't keep their hands off each other," the redhead snorted as she tapped her fingers onto the keyboard.

Millie's face became unintentionally warm and was utterly sure her flushed cheeks were the vibrant colors of freshly washed cherries that were like droplets in the fruit bowl. Sadie abruptly came to a stop with the irritating noise as she turned to look at Millie. Her mouth dropped.

"Shut up," Sadie squeaked, looking for some type of ashamed glance swerved in retaliation but the young brunette looked as if she was a damsel in distress, like one of those unrealistic fairytales in books and films, who had the need to blush to her rescuer. 

The redhead shook her head and there was that stupid, knowing smile plastered gleefully on her face. "So, you're telling me that, you and Finn had said "I love you" to one another?"

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