The Start of Something New

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I woke up that morning feeling tired and worthless. I have felt this way for the past year or so. I don't feel happy with myself ever. I dragged my feet across the floor and headed into my bathroom. The reflection I saw in the mirror was quite frightening. My long blonde hair was sticking straight up like I had been electricuted. My left over mascara was smeared across my face. I had bags under my eyes.

I used to be happy, I used to smile and it used to be real. Now its just to get people out of my way and to move on. Things were good for a long time until my mom died of cancer. After that things went to hell quite litterally, my dad started to drink and now he is an alcoholic that is never home and if he is then he is passed out. Two months after my mom died by boyfriend cheated on me with my bestfriend. After that I shut myself down. I didn't want to get hurt anymore. I wanted to finish high school and leave for a college that is far away from this place. Somewhere I can be happy again.

After I showered and finished getting ready I walked down the stairs to find my dad passed out on the couch. "Bye dad. I miss you." I muttered to myself and headed out the door. I walked to school like I always do because I can't aford to get gas due to my father loosing his job and me taking a part time at the Grab-N-Go there is much space for spending money.

I walked through the front door trying to fight my way through the battlefield of a hall. I watched girls laugh with their friends and then the jocks walk by turning their heads looking at the group of girls. The battle was won and I made it to my locker. I opened it and put my bag and jacket in it. There was a loud crash into the locker beside me that made me jump. I looked over and saw a tall, tan, brown haired boy laughing at me because I jumped.

"Sorry to scare you. It was Nash's fault..." he looked at me with his chocolate brown eyes that I could get lost in forever.

"It's ok." I turned back to my locker.

"My name is Cameron, Cameron Dallas" He smiled. He has the whitest teeth ever.

"Mine is Ryan, Ryan Mitchelle." I smiled back and it wasn't a fake one.

"Let me help you with those books." He put his hand out for me to give him some.

"I am fine my class is just around the corner."

"No I insist. It's the least I could do for scareing you." I smiled and gave him my math book and we walked down the hall.

Sooo this is my first fanfic and my first big writing piece so bare with me it might not get reallt interesting at the beginging but it gets better. plz excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes. But plz vote and comment anything helps thnx,

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