Chapter 20

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~Ryan's POV~

I never knew about his brother. I felt so bad for him. I know that I lost my mom but it wasn't sudden like his brother. We knew that my mom was going to die from her cancer eventually and we had doctors who told us so. I would hate to loose my sibling like that. Now I know why his mom hates me. But she had to know that he was going to end up with someone and move out and leave her.

We arrived at the house and it was breath talking. It's location was perfect. It was on the edge of the woods and twenty feet from the beach. This place was paradise on Earth to me. I was so happy that he took me here. I stepped out of the truck and just stood there taking everything in. Breathing in the fresh salt water air and I could feel my pores open up. It was truly beautiful.

I ran around the truck and jumped on Cameron. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for bringing me here it is beautiful." I kissed him on the lips as he carried me into the house. He struggled getting the key in while carrying me but we laughed and continued on. He leaned me on my back on the couch. I stopped things before it got to serious. "I missed this so much."

I kissed him on the cheek and stood up looking around. Trying to find my way around. The kitchen was so gorgeous. There was no food but we could head into town in a little bit. He just watched me from the couch.

~Cameron's POV~

She was so pretty walking through the house admiring every little thing. She stopped at a picture of me and my brother.

"His name was Mikey." She smiled at the picture.

"He looks a lot like you. You guys have the same eyes." She touched the frame.

"Let's head into town so we can get some clothes and food and all that other good stuff."

We headed into the little town that was twenty miles up the road. We first went to the grocery store to get food so we had something to eat for the next couple weeks or however long we stay here. Luckily she still had her purse that had all of her money that she earned over that last couple weeks so we were set for a little bit.

Then we headed to the port with all the little stands that sell clothes and other do-dads. She got some clothes that showed of her curves perfectly and her swimsuits could kill me when I looked at her in them.

When we got back to the house we put everything away and got settled. We sat on the couch watching Vampire Dairies only because she wanted to. Then we headed to bed.

A/N: Heres another chapter! Hope you like it. Even if its uneventful and short. O well. Vote comment and share. Thanks for reading.

XOXO Caitlin

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