Chapter 2

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~Ryan's POV~

The day went by as slow as ever but I couldn't get Cameron off of my mind. I couldn't focus. He makes me smile like I have never smiled before. Why? I only talked to him for two minutes. Then I think of his byceps flexing as I handed him my book. His hair was messy but it looked styled messy which was perfect. He kept running his hand through it. His smile sent shivers down my spine as I sat in my classes. His voice was like a song to my heart making me feel things that I haven't felt in forever.

I waited and waited for the last bell to ring at the end of the day. I wanted to get away from this place. I wanted to breathe in fresh air. It would help me clear my head and think rationaly.

I headed for my locker when I notice Cameron already waiting for me.

"Hi Ryan." He gave me a smirk.

"Hi, what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to talk for a little and ask you something." My heart skipped a beat when he said he need to ask me something. I tried to play it cool and not act insanely excited.

"Yea what is it that you need to ask me?"

"I wanted to know if you could be my tutor?" What? Where did that come from?

"Yea? What subject?" I was uterly confused at this point.

"English." he said it so shyly it was so cute. "If you don't want to it's ok."

"No, no, I will do it. When are free to do it?"


"Ok well I will see you then."

~Cameron's POV~

My hands were so sweaty from talking to Ryan. I never thought that I would use tutoring for my help to get a date, but it worked. We said our goodbyes and started walking in different directions. I looked back to see her doing the same. I smiled to myself and drove home.

When I walked in I sat on the couch and fell asleep by accident.

When I woke up there was someone on top of me.

"BAEEEEEEEE! You are awake!" he wrapped his arms around me.

"Hi Nash when did you get here and why are you sitting on me?" I was still grogy.

"Well let's see here I came like twenty minutes ago and raided your fridge, by the way you are out of cheese and mayo, and to answer you question as to why I am sitting on you is because you wouldn't wake up any other way I tried so I just sat on you." He took a bite of a giant sandwhich.

"That makes perfect sense," I said sarcastically, "Now get your fat ass off of me." I pushed him on the ground. He didn't mind he just sat there eating his sandwich.

"Do you want to play some X-Box?"

"Do you even have to ask?" We started the game began playing. "Oh I forgot to thank you for humilating me infront of Ryan."

"Oh yea... hahaha... that was funny. It's not like you were going to talk to her on your own so I helped you out a bit." He shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal.

"Thank you for proving that I clearly have no balls when it comes to talking to girl I like."

"Yea anytime." He was still mainly focused on the game.

"By the way I am seeing her on Saturday."

"Really?" This caught enough of his attention for him to turn around.

"Yea she is tutoring me." That sounded really weird because I was doing just fine in every subject even English.

"Wow I am proud of you Cammy poo" He is never serious around me. "I think that you just proven that you do have a set of balls after all" We laughed and continued the game.

A/N: Thanks for all the reads. Hope you are enjoying the book. Please vote comment and share.

XOXO Caitlin

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