Chapter 32

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~Cameron's POV~

My heart fell to the floor... She doesn't remember me... I couldn't breathe. I couldn't take loosing her. I walked up to the side of her bed and planted my lips on hers. I don't know what I was thinking all I know is that I need to feel her and to hold her if it was the last time. She pulled back astonished with what I attempted. She took her hand and slapped me across the face leaving a nice red mark.

"What the hell?? Aren't you my doctor??" She pushed me away. "I want to see my dad!!" She didn't remember the emancipation at all.

"Ryan... I am your boyfriend, Cameron. Cameron Dallas. We have been going out for your whole senior year." She looked at me with disbelief. "You moved out of your house to get away from your dad..." I could feel the tears start to rush down my face. "We were packing your things and carrying it out to the truck when a truck driver hit you..." I hated what was coming out of my mouth. "You were in a coma for a month. I was here everyday, talking to you, rubbing your back." I ran my hand through my hair.

"Why don't I remember you??" She said it quietly.

"I don't know, but I will do anything to help you remember." I took a step forward.

"I just need to be alone for a moment because this feels like the start of The Vow." She covered her face and started to cry. "Will you just go get my mom and dad." My heart dropped again, she doesn't remember that her mom died from cancer. I turned and walked out the door and called her dad.

~Ryan's POV~

I couldn't process what was running through my head. I couldn't remember what happened that day or the day before that. I couldn't imagine moving away from my parents to get away from my dad. He is the sweetest guy I know. He would never do anything to drive me away. He couldn't do that. What was up with this Cameron coming and telling me all these things even though I know that it couldn't be true. I couldn't forget my boyfriend. I couldn't for get the fact that we have been going out for almost a year. All this just seems like some cruel joke that was made up to make me feel like crap. I reached down to scratch my wrist when I felt a bump. I looked down to see a scar. It looked like a cut mark on. Was that from cutting myself? There was so much unknown information I just broke down and started to cry. There were people running everywhere asking me things and telling me that they are going to run some tests. I couldn't take it... I just wanted my mom and dad.

A/N: So I know that this is a really really really short chapter but I just wanted you guys to know that I will start writing again. I just have been under soooo much stress with track volleyball school and a vacation on top of that. But all of it is over and I will do my best to write on a more consistent schedule

XOXO Caitlin

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