Chapter 13

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~Cameron's POV~

The limo arrived and I headed out of the house with all of my bags. I hugged my mom and dad and said my goodbyes. I walked slowly hoping that Ryan would show up to and say goodbye. We havent talked since the night we faught. She didn't talk to me at school or ask how I was doing, I did why didn't she? I put out effort why can't she? She must be really pissed.

~Ryan's POV~

He is leaving today and I will miss him sooo much. I won't even be there to day goodbye. I am just so mad that he is leaving and I just can't take it. I was lying on my bed crying with my blonde hair in a messy bun. Wearing his jacket he left and sweat pants. I looked like crap with my face stained with tears. I felt like crap mine as well look it.

I really didn't want him to go but I couldn't hold him back from his dream and from something he is passionate about.

The first few days were hard. I spent most of the time in bed crying. Kate came over with movies and we watched those then I went back to crying. The next week was better I was still depressed but I made a new friend and he is cute. I know that it has only been a week but I needed someone to take my mind off of Cameron. This guys name is Derek. He is really sweet and tall and tan and brown hair with brown eyes.

"From: Derek <3

Hey I know you just broke up with Cameron or your taking a brake or whatever. Idk... But I really like you"

At least he knew that he was most likely going to be my rebound.

"To: Derek <3

I like you to... And Cameron is just to complicated right now"

"From: Derek <3

I don't wanna talk about him, will you go out with me Saturday night around seven??"

Wow already asking me out.

"To: Derek <3

I would love to."

Saturday night we went bowling and I kicked his ass at it. I was pretty proud of myself. We had a blast and when he drove me home he kissed me. He was really sweet about it and turned bright red afterwards. It was cute and funny but non of this felt right. I didn't get butterflies around him. Maybe if I believe I like him soon enough it will be true.

~Cameron's POV~

I got word that Ryan is going out with some other guy. I hurt all the time. I am not happy when I think I won't be going home to her kisses and hugs. I will be going back to her with another guy. It's painful. This isn't right.

Three weeks left.


Sorry if this chapter is super bad it's like 3:30 in the morning right now. I can't sleep so I just wrote. Umm things will be kinda changing spring break is like over so I will be going back to school and I will have track and volleyball so I might not post as frequent but I will try. Vote comment and share.
Xoxo Caitlin

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