Chapter 34

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~Ryan's POV~

 "Is everything ok?" His hand ran up and down my arm.

"Yea..." I stepped back and started to pace back and forth, "I remember..."

"You remember? Remember what?"

"Everything Cam. When you crashed into me that first day we met and you carried my books. I remember You coming to pick me up the next morning. You saving me from Johnny then us kissing afterwards. And I remember when my dad hit me and we went to your beach house. We spent weeks there. You are always from me Cameron. But most of all I remember how I feel..." I looked at him and his face had a smile that spread from ear to ear. His eyes were full of life again.

"How do you feel Ryan?" He took a step towards me.

"I love you." I ran to him and hugged him and I didn't want to let go ever.

"I love you to Ryan. It will never change I can tell you that. I will always love you." I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. "I know this is said a lot and it's kinda cheesy but Ryan Mitchelle I will love always and forever." He kissed my forehead.

"You missed Cameron." I giggled hopping that he would get the hint and he did. His kisses are always so passionate and deep. I love him.

~Cameron's POV~

I was so happy that Ryan remembers everything. I have her back and I don't want to lose her ever again. It was the hardest thing that I have ever done. I can't live with out her.

We spent the night talking and laughing at the appartment bringing up old memories. It was good to have my Ryan back in my arms. I missed the way our bodies fit together like they were meant for eachother. We kissed and talked then kissed some more. The night was truly perfect.

~Ryan's POV~

I woke up in Cameron's arms, I felt safe and at home. I got up from our little spot on the floor and started to unpack a few things. I am eighteen, I am graduated for goodness sake I don't need to be living at home. I know that my dad hit me and everything but I still plan on talking to him and I want him to get his life back together and if I have to help with that then so be it. I plan on going to college in the fall with Cameron to UCLA. My life will know go back to normal... except for the fact that my mom was dead. That was still a shock to me. My mom died... It doesn't sound to settling. I don't like the fact that she is dead but I will have to come to terms with it.

A/N: I know that this chapter is super short and everything but I needed to update this story. Again please read my other book Forbidden by well of course me deuko132. Please vote comment and share. This book has ended I will probably do an epilouge. I don't know we will see in the future XD

XOXO Caitlin

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