Chapter 9

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~Cameron's POV~

After school we headed to my house.

"Oh my goodness" she spun in circles with her mouth open in awe. "This house is gorgeous."

"It's home." I said bluntly.

"It's sooo pretty, I know everybody says that about somebody's home all the time but I really mean it. This house is amazing."

"Well we should make cookies." I was thinking with my stomach but I was really hungry.

"Cookies, do you even know how to make ramen noodles?"

"Yea that is the easiest thing ever to make"

"Have you ever made anything from scratch?"

"I have seen mom do it, it can't be that hard can it?"

She asked me where things are and I just shrugged, I don't spend a lot of time in the kitchen. She just rummaged around trying to find everything.

"Ok measure out two and one fourth cup flour please and put it in that bowl." I did so. "Put a teaspoon of salt in there now" She poured something's into that bowl then walked over there and back again, I wasn't paying attention to what I was using.

She mixed that then this, and then we added the stuff I mixed, it was all to complicated. She went to try the dough.

"How much salt did you put in?" she got a sour face. "Goodness! where are your cups?"

I grabbed the utensil and showed it to her. "That is TABLESPOON not TEASPOON,"

"Ooops" I grab some dough and tasted it. It was very sour."here have some more it tastes just fine." I shoved the dough in her face.

~Ryan's POV~

"CAMERON!!" I backed away and saw the bowl of dough. "You are gonna get it boy," I laughed and threw some at him. He looked surprised like I wouldn't fight back. He grabbed some more then I grabbed some more, the next thing I knew was there was cookie dough on the ceiling, the counters, the floor, the walls, my shirt, his hair, my hair, my bra, all over my pants and all over his body.

"Oh my heck, I don't think your mom is gonna like this," I slid down the wall to sit and flung my shoes in the opposite direction. He slid down best to me.

"She will like you just not... this"

I rubbed my head trying to remember what I was thinking when I thought this was a good idea.

"You gotta a little cookie dough on your shoulder." He pointed at it on my bare skin.

''Wow, that is what you notice, the cookie dough on my shoulder."

"Here let me help you get that off." I kissed the area with the dough. I just laughed. "That was a lot sexier in my head."

"Haha yes, I bet it was." I kissed him on the cheek then it turned into a full make out session.

There was heels clicking on the floor when I looked up and saw his mother, "Hope I am not interrupting anything," I realized I was on top of her son a quickly fell off.

"Mom, hi, this is Ryan, the girl I was talking about." Cameron rose to his feet.

"Hello nice to meet you Mrs. Dallas." I put my hand out to shake then retreated it due to all the dough, "I would shake your hand but... it is doughy."

"Yes and what happened here?" she held her hands close tho her body with out touching anything.

"Cookie explosion." Cameron explained, but failed to hold the laugh in.

"Ahh I see"

"We will clean this up I swear," I had to add something so I don't look like an idiot.

"Can she stay for dinner mom? we won't cook." I couldn't help but laugh at that point.

"Yes go get washed up, I will take care of this mess."

We walked up stairs to his bedroom. "Oh my goodness, I was sitting on your lap when see walked in. And the kitchen, the kitchen is a mess." I had my hands in my fore head. He pulled them down and held them.

"It's ok, just go wash your hair I'll see if there is any clothes left over from my sister." He walked out of the room. I looked for the bathroom out in the hall I over heard his mom and dad. (A/N I really don't know the names of his parents and I couldn't find them soo these are made up)

"She was on top of him John. Have you seen the kitchen? it is just a disaster."

" I am sure she is a nice girl Kathy."

I walked back to his bedroom and started pacing back and forth.

"Are you ok Ryan?" Cameron came back into the room.

"She hates me she already hates me! What was I thinking, what was I thinking"

"Ryan look into my eyes okay." I looked into his soulful brown eyes that I could get lost in "okay now breathe, in and out, in and out. I like you okay. That's all that matters." He kissed me and lead me to the bathroom which was the door I thought was the closet. I began washing my hair out when he took off his shirt. He has abs and arm muscles. I can't breathe.

"Enjoying the view?" he started to walk towards me.

"What?" I snapped back into reality.

"I said are you enjoying the view" he pointed at his abs which made his arms flex, and he was still walking closer and closer.

"I ain't gonna lie to you I am loving it"

"Good cause I don't want you to lie." He was a breath away and I was looking straight into his eyes. Our lips crashed together and my hands were on his chest with his hands on my back. I pulled back.

"No, no, no your mom is in the other room."

"Come here beautiful," that made my knees weak. He stepped closer and I gave him a peck on the lips and ran around him. He followed I screamed as he caught up. He lifted me from behind and laid me on the bed and hung over me. I pulled him closer and kissed him. It was getting hot then there was a nick on the door, I pushed him off and ran to the bathroom to change.

"Dinner is almost ready sweetie."

Cameron flopped onto the bed, "Okay mom."

The rest of the night was okay. Mr. Dallas seems really nice, but Mrs. Dallas didn't even smile at me once the entire evening. Cameron drove me home and when he turned the ignition off he leaned in for a kiss and stopped an inch away.

"Jack and Jack are throwing a party, do you wanna go with me?"

I just kissed him and ran in the house. My phone buzzed.

"From: Cameron <3

I am taking that as a yes :* good nite beautiful"

I replied and headed to bed.


Thanks for everything I will update again soon vote comment and share thank you
Xoxo Caitlin

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