Chapter 3

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~Ryan's POV~

The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face. But when I looked in the mirror I looked just as scary as yesterday. The only difference was I was happy and I didn't feel worthless. I was still tired but it was early in the morning it's a given. I jumped in the shower and finished getting ready.

I walked out of the house saying goodbye to my unconscious father like I always do. It was a beautiful morning. The sky was a perfect blue and I could hear the birds sing as they flew above me. There was a slight breeze but it felt good.

As I was walking down the street I noticed a old truck pull up next to me. I heard the window role down and I looked to see who it was. It was Cameron. "Do you need a ride?" He asked nicely.

"Sh-sh-sure I would love a ride," I always stutter when I get nervous. I walked around and climbed in. The truck was nice, it was an old 1966 yellow Chevy truck. It had leather inter. It was a truly pretty truck. And it was in good condition.

"It is a nice day don't you agree?" He asked and it was a little awkward.

"Yea it is gorgeous."

"Why are you so shy? I noticed that you kinda keep to yourself. Why?"

"Well, I don't really fit in at school." I was twidling my fingers around infront of me.

"I don't buy that. I mean the shy thing you have going for you is cute but I want to know the real reason as to why you are the why that you are."

"My mom died and then my ex boyfriend cheated on my with my bestfriend." I just blurtted it out like it was nothing.

"Wow, I didn't know I am sorry."

"Don't be, it's not like you could've done anything to change what happened"

~Cameron's POV~

We drove the rest of the way in silence. I would ocasionaly look over to find her play with her hair and looking out the window. She was truly a gorgeous girl all the way around. Her hair fell perfectly everytime and she was real with me. She wasn't any of these fake girls that just are trying to date me for the popularity.

I pulled into the school parking lot and turned off the truck.

"Here we are," I said.

"Yes," she sighed loudly and her shoulders fell, "we are here again."

I jumped out and ran to the other side of the truck just in time to open the door for her. She tripped on the rug and fell on top of me. We fell to the ground laughing.

"Oh! I am so sorry!" We were face to face with an inch apart from us. She turned bright red. She got up and I followed brushing the dirt off of her.

"I am such a klutz," she was brushing rocks off of me "I am soooo sorry!"

"Haha it's ok I am fine are you ok?"

"Yea, just a little embarrassed."

"Don't worry about it"

We walked into the building. I could tell she felt bad because she was walking extremely fast.

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