Chapter 7

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~Ryan's POV~

I woke up laying in his arms. He looked happy, my observations were interrupted by my dad stumbling in, drunk as always.

"Who is this darlingggg" he was slurring his words.

"Umm this is Cameron," I tried to shake him awake, "he is a friend of mine. We must've fell asleep during the movie. Cameron, cameron!" he was still dozy.

"Hey," he smiled at me then notice my father. "Umm hi sir sorry, nothing happened I swear. I fell asleep on the couch during the movie."

"Iiiiiits okkkkkkay my boy." my father was incredibly embarrassing when he is drunk. He used to be so fun and so alive, like he wanted to be my dad. Now he just hides in the corner and ignores me and the world likes it's not there or like the world will be on pause until he comes to terms that my mother is dead.

"Hey dad what time is it?" I was stretching which exposed my abs.

"I don't know maybeeee, ummmm, 7:44ishhhhh," he stumbled over the coffee table and passed out.

"Crap, crap, crap!" I was now running to my room in sheer panic. When Cameron came in and just stood there laughing at me. "What do you find soo funny?"


"I am sooo glad that I can be your entertainment, now hury and run into that room there are some clothes that should fit you." He just stood there and didn't move. "We gotta go to school!"

"Let's ditch" I looked long into his eyes to see if he had been joking. I have never missed school just to miss school. It was either for being incredibly sick or because of my mom dying never just for fun.

"Are you serious?"


I walked over to him and looked into those deep brown eyes searching for truth.

"Fine but you still have to get dressed and brush those awful teeth of yours." I laughed and walked away.

About an hour later we were on the road driving to New Port.

Driving in the car next to him was so natural, like I had known him for my entire life. He is my best friend really, well, my only friend. I am happy around him, instead of the sad deserted girl that was cheated on and has a alcoholic father. I am me when I am around him. He is perfect to me.

When we arrived at New Port we got out of the truck. I just breathed in the ocean. I have always loved the ocean it is fresh and it washes out bad with each wave coming in. The sound of the waves crashing on the rocks with the fog hiding it's beauty until it is the perfect time to show it. If I could go any where it would be here.

"I love it here," Cameron wrapped his arms around me just holding me.

"Let's go to Ripley's Believe It Or Not. Please please," I tried doing the best sad puppy look ever, but I am pretty sure I just looked stupid.

"How could I say no that face."


~Cameron's POV~

She has stolen my heart and I am struggling on not dying in front of her.

We went running toward Ripley's. We got in and there was a large group of people in there getting their tickets.

"Now if you have a group of 14 we could get you the large group discount" the attendant said.

"Well I have two personalities, does that count?" One of the boys added. Everybody laughed and so did I.

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