Chapter 12

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~Cameron's POV~

My phone buzed in my pocket.


"Hey man its Nash."

"Hey Nash what's up?"

"WE ARE GOING TO MAGCON!!!!" I jumped up in joy.

"Are you serious?"

"Yea we leave on Friday.'' that's only two days away

"How long will we be gone?"

"A month or so no biggy." I was going to leave Ryan alone for a month. I knew I had to go for my friends but what about the girl I love. What am I going to about her?

"Ok I will go to talk to my mom then I will text you kay."

"Alright man.'' he hung up the phone and I ran to my mom's room.

"Hey mom I got invited to Magcon.''

''That's great sweetie.''

''Can I go?'' her face was surpised that I would ask such a thing during the school year.

''How long is it? Who will you be going with? Is that girl going?''

''Its about a month long and I think that it is me, Nash, Hayes, Taylor, Jack and Jack, Aaron, Matt, and Carter. As to the girl her name is Ryan and she is my girlfriend. I dont think she will be able to come with us." I was upset as to how my mother reffered to Ryan. Why doesn't she like her?

"Fine get packed but you will have to call every night and do your homework.'' I started to jump and scream.

''Thank you mom!! Thank you, thank you.'' I ran a hugged her. "I have to go tell Ryan.''

~Ryan's POV~

My phone buzzed on my bed as I finished up my homework. It was a text from Cameron.


Let's go out tonight I have good news :*"

"To :Cameron

Ok pick me up at 6 and i will be ready. love you :*"

Around six he came and got me. We headed to Perkins.

"So I have good news." I could tell he was excited because he wasn't eating his food.

"Does your mom finally like me?" I said it in a sarcastic tone and whipped my head back and forth all girly like. He didn't reply to that.

"I am going to Magcon!"

"Oh my goodness Cameron that is great news! When do you leave?"

"Friday" he just looked at me. He was leaving on Friday. My heart sank deep into my chest.

"How long?" I couldn't look at him or I would cry so I just moved food around with my fork.

"A month."

"That long! What are we going to Cameron? That is a long time."

"I know we can make it work."

The rest of the night was silent. I felt like crying so I didn't finish my meal. When we pulled into my drive way he turned the truck off.

"Are you mad?" he said it so quiet.

"I am not mad that you are going. I am happy for you. I am mad that you didn't invite me or ask if I wanted to go." I got out and slammed the door and ran into the house.

~Cameron's POV~

I slammed my fists into the steering wheel. She is pissed now, wonderful. I should have asked. I should have... done something different. I don't know what I should have done but something other than nothing.

The next day at school Ryan didn't talk to me or sit with me at lunch, instead she went over and sat by Kate, my ex girlfriend. We went out before I moved and came back. I didn't want Kate to ruin what me and Ryan have, but i might have already done that with the fact that i am going to Magcon with out her.

After school I tried to talk to her but she just blew me off. I headed home and packed some more things I need for the trip.

"To: Ryan

Plz talk to me babe. I can't take this anymore. whats wrong."

I waited and waited for that phone to buzz but it never did. I threw my phone at the wall and left my room to go watch TV. After dinner i went back up and check my phone. There was message from her.

"From: Ryan

I dont want to talk right now. your leaving tomorrow that is what wrong you asshole."


Fine then we should take a breather while I am gone so you can get your head out of you ass and realize that i am trying to make this right."

~Ryan's POV~

I layed on my bed crying when my phone buzzed. I read it and threw it down the hall. What an jack ass!


Sorry about this chapter :/ haha hope ur liking the book follow vote comment and share thanks for everything

Xoxo Cailtin

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