Chapter 26

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~Cameron's POV~

I was sitting in the waiting area of the hospital watching and hoping that a doctor would come and tell me what is going on with Ryan.

"Are you waiting for Ryan Mitchelle?" a nurse said. I almost jumped out of my seat

"Yes how is she? Can I see her?" I needed to know what was going on with her and how she is doing. I needed to know.

"She lost a lot of blood. Is there anything going on at school or home that we should know about as to why she would cut in the first place?" She was kind and gentle.

"Ummm... yea her father recently hit her and blamed her mother's death on her." I was running my hands through my hair. "She just broke up with her boyfriend and got back together with me. I am not quite sure. We went on a break and left everything we got back to school today. I didn't have time to go to lunch with her..." I felt like it was my fault in a way that... I should've been there sooner to help her.

"Ok I noticed some on her hips that have healed what are those from?"

"Those are from her mom dying, her dad being an alcoholic, and her ex cheating on her with her best friend." I didn't want to mention me because it made me sound like a bad person.

"Ok thank you, I will get back to as soon as I get an update."

"Ok" I sat back in my seat rocking back and forth crying into my hands. I waited and waited watching the hours tick by. There still was no news on Ryan.


"Cameron, how is she?" Nash came and sat by me.

"I don't know..." I started to cry again.

"How are you?"

"Not so good..." I began to cry harder. "I don't know if I could go on without her."

"If she doesn't pull through this she would want you to go on with your life, but she will she is Ryan, a fighter. Hell she could probably beat the shit out of me." I laughed at that because it was true.


"Mr. Dallas, you can go see Ryan now. She is a little weak so try not to stir up to much drama and emotions ok."

"Thank you so much." I jumped up and hugged the doctor.

I walked into the room with Ryan in it. She looked pale and sick. Her hair was all messy but I still think that she looked beautiful.

"Heyyy" I tried not to be to loud. She opened those blue eyes and looked at me.

"Hi." She did a faint smile.

"How are you babe?"

"I have been better..." she did at little laugh and looked down at the bandage on her arm.

"Are you going to be ok?"

"Yes, but right now I need a kiss from my favorite person ever." She smiled at me.

"Aww thank you Ryan!" Nash came in acting like a girl and Ryan laughed. "Never mind he is in here, I wouldn't want to make him jealous." He pointed at me through his other hand.

"Nash!" Ryan laughed but then pointed at me. I walked towards her and kissed her.

"I don't want you to ever leave me kay. You can always talk to me. Got it." I whispered in her ear and I felt her hold on to me tighter.

A/N: Here's another chapter :) hope you are liking the book.

xoxo Caitlin

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