Chapter 28

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~Ryan's POV~

The water overcame me with Cameron just inches away. The water was all around me pulling me down. I was sinking... sinking into the depth of darkness and dispare. I was drowning, dying. I tried to scream for help, struggling to get to the surface. Cameron just stood there looking down smirking at me. I realized that he didn't want me anymore, he didn't love me anymore. I am trash to him. I realized that I was alone and drowning the world plunging into the darkness farther and farther to the point of no return. I stop struggling knowing that I died and no one cared. I didn't have anyone to care about me or me to care about. Stop and there was just darkness all around me.

*beep beep*

I rolled over to turn off my alarm and wondered what the dream meant. I have been having ever since I came home from the hospital and went back to school. I walked through the halls that were battle fields once again. As I walked down the hall I overheard  people saying "Why didn't she just finish it?" I tried to hold it together but as I continued the gun shots were louder and more frequent. I wanted to stand up for myself but that would lead to being called a bitch or a slut and that is another thing that I couldn't handle. I was once again loosing the war between me and this school.

Then there was home that was just another battle field that consist of me and my father constantly fighting. I don't trust him anymore and I don't know if I could again. He hurt me and I don't think he knows how much. He has apologized multiple times saying that he is going to the AA meetings and getting help. I wanted him to get better I truly do, but I can't live with him. I already filed for emancipation and have a court date next week.

~Cameron's POV~

I noticed something different about her each day we walked through the halls and hearing the people being so insecure about them selves they had to talk about someone else but in reality they are just the same way. They want to die as much as the rest of us, they aren't called out on it though. I tried to defend her as much as possible but people don't listen when you try to defend the girl who tried to kill herself. I knew she wanted to get away from all this. We only had five more weeks of school left.

I walked to Ryan's locker finding her sheltering herself from all the insults and threats being thrown at her. She was in pain and I could tell. I didn't want to leave her alone anymore from what happened and what is happening.

"Hey babe, ready to get out of here?"

"Yea let's go." Her tone was quiet and barely able to be heard.

We walked out with our hands linked together like they belonged. I wish so much that I would take everything that was aimed towards her and hide her from the world that was kicking her in the stomach.

"School is almost over then we are leaving for college." I tried to talk my mind off of what was happening.

"Yea I think that I will have to work a year then apply."

"Well then you can come live with me while your working so we won't have to be apart." I smiled down at her but she just stared at her feet. Does she still not believe that I will always love her? I don't ever want to be apart. We were just fine at the hospital but now, I am not sure what's going on in that pretty little head of hers.

"Yea where are you going again?"

"Duke." I wanted to become a lawyer. I thought that I would do vines for the rest of my life but then I thought of the family that I would need to support and to be able to put my kids through college.

"Oh yea." She brought her free hand up and started to bite her nail.

"Are you doing ok?" I knew she wasn't. "Talk to me. I am here all the time. When ever you need me just call."

"I am ok." She gave me a cheesy smile.

"Ryan I know that is a lie, you are moping around." She just looked up at me with her eyes starting to get glossy.

"I hear things, they hurt, I try to move on. End of story." she began to walk faster.

"I will kick their asses if I hear any more of this shit!" I wanted to punched something just thinking of how rude people are. I kicked over a garbage can and continued to walk. Ryan stoped me in my tracks and gave me a hug.

"That is all I need from you." She squeezed me tighter." I just need you to be there for me."

A/N: There's another chapter for ya:) hope you like the book. please vote comment and share.

XOXO Caitlin

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