Chapter 19

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~Ryan's POV~

I waited on the couch for Cameron. He was going to take me away from this place where I felt stuck and alone all the time. I heard the door open and my heart started to race.

"Cameron?" I called out.

"Yea, it's me." I saw his head poke around the corner just to see a blood stain on his shirt. I got up to check if he was ok.

"What the hell happene?" I asked as I saw his lip. "Cameron did my dad do this to you?" He looke at the ground.

"Yea he did but it was because I was fighting for you... he wanted to know where you are. I wouldn't tell him so he punched me in the face so I kicked him off of me and got out of there. I think that he is ok" I couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth. This is not the dad that I had once known. This is not my dad. I could never trust my father again after what he has done to me and to Cameron. I don't feel safe around him anymore...

"Can we just leave please." I leaned in for a hug and nestled my face into his chest. He put his arms around me and we just stood there. Then we heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Are you staying for lunch Ryan?" It was Cameron's mom.

"Umm no actually we are leaving."

"Leaving where are you guys going darling." She directed her attention to Cameron, then saw the split lip. "Oh my gosh! What happened to your lip?" She rushed over to check it out pushing me aside.

"It's nothing mom, I was just protecting Ryan." he looked back at me then Cameron's mom did as well seeing the bruse on my face.

"What happened to you guys?" she was more concerned with Cameron then me which is expected.

"It was all my fault ma'am" I told her but she ignored me.

"Mom we are going to go to the beach house for a couple days if it's ok."

"What? No. Why?" she looked so surpised.

"Ryan and I need to get away from this place and some people."

"No you are not going with her to the beach house and who are these people?" she stood there in awe that her son would propose such a thing to her. "Didn't your father tell you to stand up for yourself and stay strong? Don't run away from your problems."

"Mom we are not running from our problems we are just avoiding them for a while, they will be here when we get back and we are fully aware of that and I am going with her and she has a name, it's Ryan." Cameron came and put his arm around me.

We started to walk out of the house and then his mom fell to the ground crying. "You can't take him away from me. He was mine first. He is my son!" I started to cry as he closed the door. I hated that I was pulling their family apart by being with Cameron, but it seems like no girl would be good enough for her.

~Cameron's POV~

We headed out but then I got thinking that we had no money or anything. We had our cells and the clothes we had on. I always had my wallet on me but it just had a twenty and my debit and credit card. I thought to myself we better get some cash before my mom cancles my cards. We stopped at the bank to pull out some money so we could live and get some clothes and food. Then we headed out for the beach house.

As we were driving up the coast Ryan started to cry a little. "You ok?" I asked

"No I feel like I am stuck and then I am pulling you away from your family." She wipped her eyes. "I feel so bad" I reached over and put my hand on her thigh.

"You are not pulling me away from my family. I promise." I sighed and looked back at the road. "My mom is acting the way that she is because of my brother." She looked at me with surprise.

"You never told me you have a brother."

"I did. He died about four years ago." I shook my head trying not to cry in the moment that she needed me. She needed me to be strong for her. "He was heading to the beach house with a girl, haha my mom told him not to go. But this was before we moved to where we are now. There was a really big storm that night that he was driving. He couldn't see anything so he drove into a river. They both drowned. Since then my mom doesn't like any girl that I bring home or that I like. She doesn't like me driving at night or in storms. I am on like lock down on those nights." Ryan squeezed my hand that was on her thigh.

"I am sorry that you had to go through that." She pulled my hand to her mouth so she could kiss it then put it back.

A/N: Hey heres another chapter. I was looking at this next week I will have some time to update hopefully if I remember. I will do my best. Vote comment and share thanks alot.

XOXO Caitlin

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