-One- BEFORE: How it all began

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"I caught him staring! So weird" I stated as a matter of fact. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry to get back home after the first day of junior high school; girls, to hang out with friends and boys to play video games with their gang.

"Who?" asked Lisa, as she sipped the last remains of her drink through a straw, making real loud noises.

"I mean why would he stare?"

"Who?" she repeated herself, with a more demanding tone this time. "Oh for God's sake, stop making those extra loud sounds and listen" I said, making her finally stop with those noises. "I don't know his name but I'm sure you know him." " You talkin' about the cute brown haired one?" she smirked. "Oh yes, I'm talking about the 'cute brown haired one'" I said finger-quoting the words with gestures.

"What about your previous crush Ser?" she continued in her teasing voice. "Crushes come and go" I uttered trying to keep a straight face "I once read on buzzfeed, that if crushes last for more than four months, it's true love" which earned a great laugh from Lisa.

"What?" I questioned. "Nothing, you may go on" she said suppressing a smile. "There's this period of time when you think of your crush the most, but then it fades. I have started having crushes just in the past one year" I said. " Because that's when you turned mentally mature!" laughed Lisa. " Seriously when did you study all about this crush business?"

"I was born a genius. And about the mature part, it's good to be a kid sometimes!" I smiled making an innocent face. Lisa performed her signature eye roll. "Yeah try explaining that to Miss Blume" she muttered. Miss Blume, our biology teacher, hated anyone who had fun. "For now, we've got bio homework piling up, let's first complete that and then think of having fun" I instructed. "Oh yes, I was wondering how the nerd didn't talk about notes and homework yet" she sniggered. "Oh cut it" I said, as we picked our bicycles and rode off till our room.

Having all homework done, which, trust me, wasn't easy with Lisa cursing Ms.Blume with every page we had to write, Lisa turned to me. "So what about Mr.Stares?"

"What about him?"

"Oh come on, you know he's cute! Everyone describes him as 'that cute guy with brown hair'."

"Yes and my description goes like 'that short girl with glasses'!"

"Opposites attract!" Lisa exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Oh no, not in my case. Besides, he may have stared at me because he found me weird?" I said casting a doubtful look. "Nah, you're cute and pretty! Especially outside school, without those glasses of yours" Lisa dismissed my thoughts. "I know that" I grinned. "How about I ask him tomorrow about what's bothering him?"

"No way!" Lisa's eyebrows shot up considering the idea too crazy. But then she knew, crazy is what I liked.

"Yes way!" I smirked.



Hey guys, thanks for giving this story of mine an opportunity to come up! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do creating it up in my head. Do give it a vote if you like and appreciate my efforts in putting this up over here.



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