-Thirty two-

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I was sitting on my bed and staring at the ring on my finger when I felt something moderately hard hit my head from back. "What is it?" I asked kindly, picking that pillow and throwing it across to the chair. "Help us" I heard Kam who was now sitting on the floor, unwrapping Mel's gifts with the others. "Yeah" I said dreamily.

I heard a knock on the door and Jake entered, panting. "Mom and dad are coming" he said. That got me off the bed in a jiffy in time to see them enter. I went up to them and was grabbed into a hug like I had anticipated.

"How's the ring?" Mel asked, skipping and reaching mom's side. All of their faces held a strange smile. "It's beautiful..why?" I asked, avoiding an even stranger expression from appearing on my face.

"Wait up, did you choose it?" I asked, making a guess. "Yes, Dan was so confused" Kam came too. "So wait, you all knew!?" I questioned in surprise.

"Yes sweetheart, we knew. Daniel talked to us a day back when you all had landed" dad spoke this time and I was so happy that I didn't have to do any explanations. "What did he say?" I asked, now smiling. "He said a lot, mostly good stuff about our daughter and how he will always put your needs before his own. Quite a gentleman, this boy. I had told you that even when I had come with Jake" mom said, reminding me and I nodded.

"So you are fine with what happened at the wedding today?" I asked, wringing my hands behind my back. "Are you happy?" dad asked, keeping his hand on my shoulder. "Very" I replied.

"Then we are more than happy for you" they said and this time I pulled them both into a long embrace.

"Where's the lucky boy in all of this family talk" I heard Dan from near the entrance to the room and my face lit up. He squished in between mom and dad, just opposite to me. "Welcome to the family" Jake announced and somewhere in the background I heard Mel's signature giggle.


"Wake uppp!" I pulled the sheets off her body to reveal her sleeping form in her sweatpants and an oversized t shirt with a picture of a unicorn on it. Why unicorn? Don't ask. "Let me sleep!" she got up and pulled the sheets from my grip with such force that no one would think that she was asleep just a while ago.

It was our last day in Paris and we has a whole day planned ahead for sightseeing before we got back to our schedules. "But we have to visit the Eiffel tower" I jumped on the bed.

"Yeah I know, but that's in the afternoon" she grumbled, pulling the sheets over her head to muffle the rest of the conversation. "But I woke up so early" I reasoned. "That is exactly the problem, why did you wake up so early? You see, I'm a light sleeper and with you waking up early I couldn't get any sleep" she said loud enough for me to hear.

"Fine, I'll give you 30 minutes more. I will dunk you in the pool after that if you refuse" I struck a deal but she didn't reply for she was already asleep by then. Not having anything to do, I got in bed and cuddled next to her.

Big mistake. I ended up being woken by a sudden sprinkle of water on my face. "30 minutes and you were going to throw me in the pool right? It's been an hour now. We are late for breakfast too, get up" Serena shook me off my senses.

"How did we get so late" I asked, rubbing the water on my face to possibly rub away my sleep. "It's my presence next to you that made you forget everything else" she winked and blew an air kiss. That wink, it was so seductive that it made something in my stomach flip.

"Don't do that" I said. "Do what?" she asked innocently and then smirked, taking backward steps. "You know what" I said, lunging forward as she turned to run but I grabbed and pulled her back to my chest, my cheek against her face.

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