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Readers, do listen to the song 'cause it goes perfectly with the chapter. And also, I love this song :) Enjoy!
"It can't be" she was in quite a daze. "Thor would never do such a thing" she told me with confidence. It amazed me, the trust she had on him, even now that I was telling her what had happened.

"But he did" I was annoyed. Why would I lie? "You must have heard wrong" she came forward and placed her umbrella over my head, drenching herself even as she shivered.

"Trust me, I know what I heard" I said, looking at the rain pour down and soak the part of her dress that didn't receive cover.

"Then tell me" she dared, pushing back some wet strands of hair that fell on her face. "He first gave me a hint when you got your leg hurt" I said, remembering all the incidents so as to not miss out on any details.

"And?" she frowned. "And he was saying how nice you are and that you both are very close" I told her, expecting some reaction from her. But she didn't look surprised. "How does that explain anything?" she asked instead. This was getting harder to talk about. I had started feeling that I should have rehearsed in front of the mirror.

"He talked to me once, after everyone had left" I said. "He clearly said that you aren't just a friend to him, you're lots more. You have always shown your cheerful side but there were times when you had no one to talk to, but Theo. Which is why he came up to me personally and said he would never want me to be the reason you're sad or hurt'."

She almost gasped but didn't after a thought. "Didn't see that coming" she widened her eyes. "Still can't believe Theo said all that" she spoke.

"I would never hurt you" I whispered, moving in. "You were so close to doing so" she looked away and muttered under her breath. Why did explaining seem so hard today.

"What do you mean Serena? Who is Theodore to you?" I asked, impatient to get a reply. Strangely enough she gave a smile. "Lisa was right in what she had predicted" she said.

"Theodore is more than a friend to me and nothing in the world can change that. He's been with me when no one hasn't" her eyes glistened with emotion. I was so confused. "If he's so much to you, then why would you feel any sort of hurt if I were to be with Scarlett" I huffed, letting it all out.

"Dan" she placed her hand on my shoulder. "You have clearly misunderstood Theo's intentions" she said calmly.

"What can be clearer than him telling me to not hurt you, he just wants me to stay away" I moved, making her hand fall off my arm. I was surely more upset than she was, she had no idea how that made me feel; being told to keep a distance from someone you love to spend time with.

"He never told you to stay away" she spoke like she was explaining something to a small kid. "But.." I turned to her. "He just said he doesn't want anyone to cause any trouble, did you ever think why he said so?" she asked me. "Why?" I asked back.

"Don't caring brothers always want the best for their sisters" she smiled soothingly. It took me time to register what she had said. "Theo only wanted you to be the best choice" she smiled and looked down. "So him and you..." I asked, realising the truth in all that I had thought till now.

"We're like the best siblings you would ever come across, he's more like the crazy elder brother I never had" she lightened the heavy load of misunderstanding which got washed away with the rain drops.

I felt like an idiot for suspecting them. Moreover Theo was just trying to tell me that maybe things could work out. And me here, I had thought of dating Scarlett. What a horrendous mistake that would have been.

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