-Twenty six-

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I woke up as a response to the doorbell ring. I hadn't realised when I had fallen asleep and was surprised to see Dan sleeping beside me. He would have fallen asleep on the couch after I did and he looked super cute as usual, his brown hair swept over his forehead and mouth slightly open. Pushing his lower jaw up to close his mouth, I kissed him on his forehead before going to the door.

All signs of sleep were blown away as I saw my mom and brother, Jake, through the peep hole. "Dan, Dan, Dan, wake up!" I sprinted back and shook him by his shoulders. "Huh?" he asked pretty loudly and I placed my hand on his mouth to quiten him.

"Dan, mom's at the door, hide!" I whispered in my loud raspy morning voice. "Isn't that good? Why should I hide?" he asked. "Good question, what would you think if you saw a random guy sleeping on the couch when you enter your daughter's house one fine morning; including the fact that he had spent the whole night there?" I asked as fast as I could. "Okaaay... but I'm not any random guy and I just slept here 'cause I was tired.. and I don't have a daughter" he said cluelessly and I pushed him away from the door with every word he spoke.

"Time's up for explanations, stay in that bathroom" I opened the bathroom door while I heard my mom knock again. "Why the bathroom?" he asked, looking back and forth at the door and my face. "Please" I said and ran again to the main door with a loud "Coming!".

"Mom! Jake!" I put on my best surprised face. "What took you so long to open the door?" Jake asked. "I slept late yesterday" I said. "See mom, she slept late and woke up right now, you never allowed me to do that" he started off, fulfilling his duties as my younger brother. "She's studying hard" my mom replied, smiling at me and I smiled back, thinking about how I had forgotten about the test that was supposed to be conducted in the evening.

"Serena, I really have to use the washroom" mom said suddenly and headed towards where I had told Dan to be. "Mom! Don't go there, use the guest washroom, it's cleaner" I pulled her and gave an apologetic smile that seemed to work for mom but only caused a rise in suspicions in Jake's head.

"It's cleaner? Is that the best or the only excuse you could come up with?" he demanded, his arms folded, after mom had changed her course and walked into the one suggested by me. "What excuse?" I asked innocently. "Do not try that on me, I have a lot of experience with this. I'm the master of getting away with things" he said proudly while I scoffed.

"Let's see what is in that bathroom" he quickened his pace and I heard a click from the washroom where mom had gone. Any moment now and she would be out, in sync with Jake and his ideas. "Okay, Dan came yesterday night to visit me and then he fell asleep on the couch. I woke up only with the bell sound and had to hide him in the place that came to my mind first" I pointed at the washroom.

"You hid a human in the washroom!? This is torture" he sniggered and opened the door as I looked around the house to keep an eye out for mom. "There's no one here" he said after two seconds. "What? Stop lying, he was right here" I pushed him out of the way to have a look.

"See there's no one" Jake repeated as I moved further in, inch by inch. "Ha!" Dan jumped out of the laundry basket with my red scarf wrapped around his neck.

I screamed and on realising that it was just Dan, slapped his arm playfully and gritted my teeth. "That was good" Jake was guffawing on the floor. "Totally dude" Dan used my scarf to wipe tears that rolled from his eyes as he laughed and came out of the basket. I learnt that a brother and boyfriend combo wasn't worth the peace package.

"Not funny guys" I punched Jake too but it had no effect. "Should have caught it on camera" Jake said, taking loud breaths when I heard mom. "Caught what on camera? And why are you both so loud? Why did Serena scream?" mom interrogated. Luckily Dan was still inside and out of view.

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