-Twenty eight-

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"Are you sure, I don't want to involve a civilian in military matters" Matt had asked to reconfirm my decision. "I am completely sure" I wanted to help. "Don't get into anything serious, if I tell you to withdraw, you have to" he said like I was a spy for nationwide mission. "Yes Matt, just don't tell Dan. I will tell him myself" I confirmed.

"Don't make it seem suspicious" was his last piece of advice.

I knew I had gotten myself into a difficult situation but my instincts told me I was doing the right thing. So I didn't call Kevin, I went to see him at his flat.

"Serena?" he looked worse than how I had last seen him. He had a cigarette in his hand and the room smelled of smoke. I started coughing before I could talk. "Sorry" he went in and came back, sans the cigarette. "Since when do you smoke?" I asked, still at the door. "I had stopped, but I started again" he shrugged and asked me to come in but I was fine standing outside. His house looked like it had been a drug deal venue.

"What have you done to yourself?" I couldn't help but stroke down his wild frenzied hair. "I feel pretty bad, I couldn't keep my promise" he said. It made me rethink my decision, the way he said he couldn't keep his promise and not didn't keep his promise; more like he couldn't control himself when it came to me.

"You could have talked it out" I said. "Would you have talked to me?" he asked for he knew it could have made matters more complicated. "I would" I answered truthfully.

"Did Matt send you here?" he asked, boring holes into my soul. The dam of trust had already started cracking up, I didn't know how long was it until it let out the whole flow of withheld emotions. "No, I came to see you. I don't need anyone to tell me" I replied.

"Are you going to keep standing outside" he let out a long breath. "Maybe" I said. That's how we were talking at that point, a short staccato of words, meaningless and empty. "Let's go down, get you some air" I said. I knew I had struck a deal when he agreed.

"You have to get out of that room, to breathe atleast" I sighed when we were walking right below his apartment. "I don't think you came all the way to tell me to breathe" he said, so much not like the person I knew. "Right" I closed my eyes to take a deep breath.

"Would you like to come to a concert with me? It's a music festival. It'll be great to loosen up and enjoy the music" I smiled, trying to bring one on his face. "A music festival?" he seemed unsure. "My friend Lisa won tickets and has an extra. So I was thinking we both could go, it'll be great" I said.

"Won't Daniel come?" he asked and I couldn't lie more to him. "I asked him but he's busy" I told. "And so I'm the second choice?" he asked naturally. "If I had an extra ticket I would have taken you both along" I said, with him not looking too convinced.

"When is this concert anyways?" he questioned. "It's tomorrow" I answered. "Alright" he said, standing in one place. I hadn't realised when we had stopped walking during our discussion. "You're coming?" I asked with a bigger smile. "Only 'cause you insist" he smiled a little, transitioning into the old Kevin I knew.

Inside I felt horrible, lying to a friend but I brushed aside the feeling, convincing myself that I was doing it for a right cause, probably.

"Why are you so late? It's time for me to go" Colin asked as soon as I entered the hospital. "I have the evening half shift, you make my schedule right?" I asked. "Yeah" he smiled sheepishly.

"So how's life?" I smirked. "Why the face? I'm the one who knows incidents about you" he said. "Yeah yeah, I was drunk and all of that, but you're the one who got married" I laughed. "Hey, it isn't that bad. It's not bad at all" he defended. "Mister, it's just been one day. Wait for it" I smiled, granting him enough time to think about a response but none came.

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