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Waking up with my alarm, I got ready wearing high waist shorts paired with a black top. Having applied a quick winged eyeliner, Lisa and I set off, riding our bicycles at top speeds. We locked our bikes hastily and half walked, half ran towards our class. "Are we... late?" Lisa asked whilst panting. Class was at 8:30, we had reached by 8:28. Not a problem right? Yeah right! Ms.Blume starts class five minutes before the actual given timings and she hates latecomers.

"Oh this is not happening" I heard Lisa mutter under her breath as we approached our class and saw Ms.Blume teaching through the glass window of the door. "You enter first." Lisa pushed me in front of her leaving me with no time to object. "May I come in" I asked sheepishly as I swung open the door. "Why are you late?" enquired Ms.Blume without looking in our direction. Experience had taught me never to give excuses for arriving late, especially in her class. "I'm sorry Miss Blume." I looked into her eyes as I spoke, showing her that I meant the apology (although I didn't really). "Yes Miss, we are sorry" said Lisa. Our punctual teacher took a quick glance at her watch and then permitted us to enter.

As I entered, I saw that the only seats available were in the back, and so we went across to the last seat. Everyone's eyes were on us but I only took notice of Mr.Stares. "Today we talk on heredity and evolution" Ms.Blume brought everybody's attention back to the lesson. "Mendel, as you know, contributed significantly to the science of genetics. He was an Austrian monk who experimented on pea plants. Of course, you've learnt this in your lower classes" she continued. 

"Miss Mayers" she said all of a sudden, addressing me. "Why peas? He could have used any other animal, like rabbits for an instance."

Wonderful beginning, spoke the sarcasm in my head as I stood. Don't ask me why, I decided on being funny as a start. "Well, he was monk. So using innocent creatures for conducting experiments would have been against his principles?" I said, testing Ms.Blume's sense of humour and patience. The entire class laughed. It brought a very light smile on Ms.Blume's face, more like she was forbidden to bring that curvature upon her lips. "Scientific explanation?" she questioned.

"Ma'am pea plants were an ideal choice to use because they had easily observable traits." I quoted from our previous year's textbook. "Very well, you may sit" she said as she gave a more convincing smile this time, which was a 'once in a blue moon' incident.

My eyes met those of Mr.Stares and I quickly looked away to avoid the awkwardness, all in the conscious presence of Lisa. After class I went up to him with Lisa following me.

"Hello, good morning" I said as he packed his bag. He stopped what he was doing, looked up at me with those gorgeous greyish blue eyes of his and did what he does best, stared for two seconds. Returning my Hello with a Hey, he put his hand forward for a hand shake which I accepted. "Myself Serena, and you are..?" I asked as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm Daniel" he said dreamily, running his long fingers through his already messy brown hair which he was known for. "My friends call me Danny" he added, flashing his pearly white smile which showed off his oh-so-cute dimples. Other girls in the school would have had 'oohed' and 'aahed' in his presence, but not me. 

"Alright Daniel" I emphasized on his actual name, trying to show no intentions of friendship at the moment. "Why do you look at me in class?" I asked pretty straightforwardly which took him by surprise and made Lisa gasp audibly. " Oh..um..you're quite intelligent" he stammered searching for the right words. "The way you answered in class today, everyone looked at you. You seem like a nice person" he said looking at me in the eyes.

"You know what I mean" I said to him, a little softer this time. "Why me when there are much skinnier, prettier girls in class?" 

"So you observe me too?" he smiled, making me feel awkward and guilty at the same time. "You are different" he expressed. "You see, beauty is like a medicine, a perfect quantity cures, but an excess of the same could turn fatal." And with that he swung his bag on his shoulder and left the class with me standing speechless.

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