-Twenty five-

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"Serena, what happened now?" Colin asked while I sat on one of the waiting seats that were usually occupied by patients or their relatives. "Kevin" I muttered, starting into nothingness.

"What happened to him?" he asked. Colin Halls should have left an hour ago but he sat beside me like the perfect friend and colleague he was. "I don't know, he was alright two days ago" I explained. "You had met him?" he asked, knowing that I hadn't.

"No but I had texted and everything was fine" I said. "How can you be so sure over some texts?" he asked and it made sense. "Texting doesn't let you know of the person's emotions of whom you are chatting with; you would never know if the person was okay or not" he added like a concerned parent.

"True, but why would he do that?" I asked with my head in my hands. "Do what?"

"I found him unconscious due to overdose of some pills" I narrated. "Oh, are you sure it's the pills?" he asked. "Yes, I hope he will be alright" I sighed. "You go home now, I'll tell Angel or Justin to call you when he's fine" Colin got up and stuck his palm out for me to hold on and get up.

"Okay" I agreed as sleep was soon going to overpower all of my senses.

I woke up early just in case I had received any calls but I felt a strange pang of anxiety when there were none. I unlocked the phone and rechecked it thoroughly, scrolling through call logs for any missed calls that didn't make it to my notifications but there weren't any.

I remembered Colin's words that clearly mentioned that he would tell someone from the staff to call me when Kevin was 'fine'. Not wasting any time I called the reception.

"Hello Justin" I started off with no introduction, mostly because my mind wasn't functioning right.
"Yes, how may I help you?" he asked calmly, though confused at not being able to make out who it was on the other side.
"Justin, it's me Serena"
"Oh good morning Dr. Mayers"

"How's the patient who was brought in yesterday night doing?" I asked and there was an unexpected pause.
"Yes he's okay, doing well" he replied and I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Oh thank God! Justin you truly are a messenger of good news" I was smiling faintly. "Thanks!" he sounded a lot more cheerful.

After a three hour class I dropped in at the hospital. I wanted to get there sooner but there was just no time. "Come in" I heard Kevin's familiar voice when I knocked on the door.

"Hello" I kept my bag on a tiny chair and pulled the bigger one towards his bed. "Hey" his voice was weak and his eyes didn't meet mine as he kept the half filled glass of milk on the side table. "Everything's okay?" I asked.

"Not really, I wouldn't be here otherwise huh" he said through a tired smile. "You shoudn't actually be here" I said, straightening up.

"Why did you do it?" I questioned him. "What?"
"Why did you decide to end your life? What's gone so terribly wrong that you thought nothing could fix it?" I asked calmly but there was something burning inside me that needed to know the answers.

"It's been a mistake" he said, his eyes dropping low in shame as though he knew what I was going to say. "I was so tired and done with everything yesterday that I wanted to take a break and so I ended up drinking a lot until I had no idea of what my purpose was" he admitted and the mad look in his eyes was that of genuine guilt.

"So I took some sleeping pills, planning to rest for quite a long time but that's where the mistake happened" he shook his head. "They were anti depressants instead" I said in shock, absorbing all that he has said and thinking what would have happened if I hadn't been there the previous night.

"It's miraculous that I decided to drop by" I said. "I knew you would" he was smiling.
"I had told you once that if I don't answer any calls after trying to call you first, then you are free to pay me a visit"
"Oh yeah, I guess I remember that advice"
"Yeah and that visit could be out of concern or irritation, at the end of which, me receiving a thrashing is very likely"

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