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Theo sat beside me in Chemistry class. "Wait till you meet Mrs. Keith" I warned him of the most boring teacher on earth. "Really? You were exaggerating when you told me about her right?" he asked me. "Oh no, I don't lie" I stated as the class door opened with a click and we all waited for our teacher's arrival. But it wasn't Mrs. Keith who entered.

"Good morning class" came the deep voice of a man. "I'm Richard Brown, your new chemistry teacher" he said as I craned my neck for a better view of him through the heads of the tall students who sat in front of me. "No way!" I whispered to Theo "She has been replaced" I told him as I saw Mr. Brown who must have been in his early thirties. He looked pretty smart in his khaki suit and deep blue shirt. "This means I don't get to know Mrs. Keith" Theo whispered back, disappointed. "Yeah you're pretty lucky she didn't play a role in disturbing your liking for the subject" I commented grumpily.

"Today we'll discuss Chemical Bonding" Sir said as he took his marker and turned to the board. "Don't worry, it won't be boring" he added with a reassuring smile as he began the class.
"He's pretty cool" Lisa said as we exited the room after an amazing chemistry discussion. "Yeah" Howard agreed from the back. I had begun liking that teacher already.

"Morning" greeted Daniel, bringing my attention to him. He had been talking to Kamille and Howard since morning and had decided to interact with us now. "Good morning" I returned with a smile and a wave of my hand. "Bio practicals now" he said pulling out a lab coat from his bag. I did the same heading towards the biology lab along with Lisa, Kamille and Howard. All of the others had opted for computers instead of biology.

Bio practicals was a class I loved. One, because it was wonderful conducting experiments independently and two, because I was paired up with Dan. "You must be the one person in the whole school who looks good even when wearing this lab coat" Dan told me, looking at his own cute self wearing a lab coat that was around two sizes too big for him. "You'll make a perfect doctor" Howard agreed, folding his own sleeves up.
"Pfft, just because she looks good in a white coat doesn't mean she'll make a good doctor. This girl isn't mature enough to know if a guy likes her!" Lisa laughed at her own statement. "What..do..you..mean" I glared at her as I muttered each word with a pause. But before I could get an answer I had to sit with Dan and start our experimental work, with him looking suspiciously at me throughout the class since Liz had let those words out of her mouth.

At the end of the day I and Dan were standing near the majestic school gates talking about usual stuff while the others stayed back with the teachers for a school project. "Who's the guy Lisa referred to?" he asked me as we walked. "I don't know for myself" I lied quickly. "She's crazy.. don't mind her" I said so that he stops asking further questions. "Okay" he said, not convinced by my reply.

"Dan!" we heard a loud, distant sound call him all of a sudden. Funny how I thought I was the only one who called him that. The impact was quite different on him though. He quickly turned to the right from where the voice had seemed to come from. There stood a handsome young man wearing an army uniform. "Can't be..." I heard Dan mutter to himself as he widened his eyes in surprise and recognition and broke into a run with me trying to keep up.

"Matt!" he said in increasing decibels with childlike happiness and hugged him hard. I reached on the scene three seconds later to see the soldier hug him back with Dan's eyes welling up with unabashed tears. "Dan, Dan..." the soldier addressed pulling him away with a broad smile which Dan returned. He seemed to be in his early twenties with similar eyes as Dan's and brownish blond hair, a slight bit taller than Dan himself. "What took you so long" asked Dan with a half-happy half-sad face expression. "You know this profession well, don't you?" the man in uniform shrugged as he wiped his own tears away. "Matt, this is Serena Mayers" Dan told him pointing at me, making me suddenly conscious of my own presence between them. "Meet Matt, my elder brother" he told me (which explained the striking similarity) "who has come to meet me after a whole 2 years!" he said bringing the hurt expression back onto his usually pleasing face. "Hello Ms. Mayers, pleased to meet you, I'm Matthew Walcott" he said in his army like disciplined manner, as I read the same name on his badge. "Hello Mr. Walcott, you can call me Serena" I smiled back nervously after a firm handshake. "And you may call me Matt" he said with his dimples on display "Oh and come on Dan, you can't be upset with me forever" he said patting Daniel on the shoulders, earning a smile from him in return. Perfection and good looks ran in the family.

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