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"My energy levels have gone so high, can't wait" Howard was telling Theo and Ace during the break on Monday. "For what?" I asked him, clearly eavesdropping on their conversation. "Kam will tell you" he said and continued talking. "Huh, what?" Kam asked cluelessly on hearing her name being used.

"You forgot?" Howard stopped talking and stared at her in disbelief. "I don't even know what you guys are talking about" she said, removing her earphones and stuffing them in her hoodie pocket. "Something important for tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Uh, are you referring to your football match?" she asked, doing some amount of guesswork in her mind. "Yes!" Howard looked happy that someone had remembered apart from the boys.

"I can't forget now that I'm on the cheerleading squad" she grinned at us. "Woah, when did this happen?" I asked her in surprise. "A month back, I have been staying extra hours for practice too" she beamed. "So that's what you have been doing after school, and I thought you were..." Howard stopped halfway.

"You thought?" Kam asked him, eyebrows raised. "I thought you wanted to observe me as I played" he smiled, tilting his head to one side. "I have better stuff to do than that" Kam suppressed a laugh.

"Don't deny it, I'm awesome" he flexed his arm, getting a look of disgust and amusement from Kam. "I never did" she smiled.

Next day there was the excited murmuring about the match. Our school was known for hosting the inter school soccer tournament every year and it was a huge event. The match was to be held in the evening, morning classes continued as usual.

"Hey Dan" I greeted him as I left by afternoon because I wasn't feeling quite well. The climate change and exams had gotten to me. "Um, hey!" he said, putting on an expression of fake surprise.

"Yeah ignore and walk on as usual" I said gloomily. "Ignore? Me? Nah babe, I can't ignore you even if I am told to" he said, leaning one elbow on the wall and twisted the corners of his lips into a wonderful smile.

Calling me babe randomly, so typical of Dan, but it did make my stomach do a back flip. "Yeah sure" I laughed sarcastically. "Going home early? Aren't you waiting for the match in the evening" he asked. "No actually, I am unwell" I said touching my forehead only to find it warmer than before.

"Oh, I am going now too, shall I accompany you home?" he asked in a softened tone. "It's okay, I can go alone" I smiled, my eyelids feeling heavier than usual.

"Hallo Ser" Theo came and patted me on my right shoulder. I turned to the right only to find him grinning on the left. "Ugh I hate it when you do that" I tried looking annoyed. "Then I have to continue doing it" he shrugged.

Dan looked disquieted for some reason. "I'll leave then" he said blankly and left without another word. I had started feeling that it was Theo's presence that made him enter his not-so-friendly zone. "Bye" I said, not able to raise my voice, so it wasn't really audible to him.

"What's gotten into him, one second he's so nice, another second he just leaves and walks away" I said in a gruff tone. "Give him time" Theo said, looking into the distance, like he just knew what was going on. "Time?" I asked. It wasn't Theo's nature to be philosophical. To add on, he sucked at giving advices.

"Never mind" he said but something was troubling him. I knew the look on his face. But I brushed it off thinking it was just the tension of the game he had to play. "So, you aren't staying for the match?" he asked me as he breathed in loudly. "I want to but I feel so tired today. Win this one and I'll be there to witness the next one" I smiled encouragingly.
"Okay!" Theo looked over pleased. "I will."

The time around sunsets usually brought me a sense of calm, but this evening only brought miserable feelings. I felt tired and weakened due to the fever. Having lost my appetite, I didn't bother to eat anything. Overall, I had lost interest in doing almost everything.

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