Two (A)

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Luna, as always been described by many people, was a very kind person. In fact, she was more than just the word KIND, and her gorgeous face just suited her personality.

She loved to help other people especially the young ones.

I remembered, one day, when we were on our way to go to school, we were running early this Thursday morning, until we got to Daisy street, three young homeless children were sleeping on the road with only a sack under them. The oldest of them was a 7 year-old boy, with his 5 year-old and the 3 year-old little sisters.

Instead of continuing on to school, she said we had to stop at the bakery across the road from where the children were sleeping. After buying sweet bread, she woke the boy and asked if he was hungry, he looked shocked as she sat down beside him.

She talked to him for a while. I thought she was finished but then she woke up his sisters, gave them bread and the milk she had brought from home to have with her lunch, and helped them to carry their sacks full of plastic bottles and metal which would be sold to the junk shop when they walked to the next town.

It was already 8 o'clock and we had to be at school by 7:30, but she insisted that we help them to the Claro building. She said that they'd be safe and more comfortable there, which was true, but we were already late for school. However, I couldn't resist helping her to help them.

We finally arrived at school and our professor was angry and yelled at us, but Luna still seemed to be happy. Her smile made her glow like a star in the dark night sky.

As we entered the room with everyone's eyes on us, she whispered to me, "Who will help them if we will not? We cannot expect other people to help them if even we, ourselves, will not do such."

That sounded weird to me but she had a point.

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