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A powerful punch hit my left cheek. Red blood oozed out from a wound it caused that mixed with my saltiness of my cold sweat. I did not dare to fight back because I knew I deserved it. I let fear control me. I let my uncle's threat manipulate me. I should've had at least fought for Luna by letting everyone knew the truth behind her mysterious death; especially her family who had trusted me from the very start.

But I couldn't blame myself. I was in the pendulum of choosing between my mom and my dad or Luna — and I chose my family. However, this time, I found someone who will help me fight for Luna.

“Why did you leave her there lying in her own blood?! You didn't even at least sent her in the hospital or report it to the police!” yelled Ron indignantly

“That's what I am guilty about! I was afraid. He might kill my mom... my dad... I was... it was... I,” and I burst out into tears unconsciously.

“Did you write the letter?” he asked through his gritted teeth.

“Y-yes,” I replied, still crying.

“Why did you? You knew he'd do something to her!”

“I... it was.. the s-same thing. H-he threatened m-me. He called me on t-the phone and... and said he planted a b-bomb in our house... and if I will not follow his command, he'll make it explode and let my mom die!”

“And you freaking believed him?!”

“I was afraid! I love my mom and dad and you'll do the same thing too if that happened to you!”

He paused. I guessed he finally understood me. Hopefully.

“We're going to fight back.”

“WHAT?! You're putting my family's life at risk!”

“We will all be safe! Trust me. No one will get hurt. They will pay for Luna's death!”


“Chester! Be brave! We will do this for Luna... Alright?”

I wasn't sure if I must say yes but I just nodded.

This was for Luna. I must not let threats and fear conceal the truth. I must fight.

Justice for Luna.

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