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"Chester?! Chester! Wake up! You'll be late in school!"

My mom's loud voice woke me up as she knocked continuously against the door of my room.

"I'm not going to school today, mom," I drawled drowsily, still feeling sleepy. I lazily pulled up the blanket to protect my body that lie flat on my back from the morning's frigidity. My eyes were still heavy from crying last night.

Mom refrained from knocking and asked in a concerned voice,"Why? Are you ill?"

Hearing her question, I couldn't help but to grin mischievously. I silently thanked her for giving me a relevant reason to stay home, "Yes, mom. I want to rest. Please?"

"Oh okay! Take a rest there. I will just get your breakfast."

Her steps going downstairs reached my ears as the sound faded. Pulling down the blanket to uncover my head, I was greeted by a warm beam of sunlight which passed through the open window facing my bed causing me to wake up from sleepiness.

Finally, I opened my eyes slowly, angled my head to the right and moved my body a little – just enough for me not to be dazzled by the ray of the sun.

Mom knocked again so I got up from the bed and frowned to make myself look feverish. When I was satisfied that I looked sick enough, I unlocked the door.

"Here's your breakfast. Take the medicine, okay? I'll just go to the garden and water the plants. They're getting really dehydrated," mom said as she entered my room to place my breakfast on the table. 

I surveyed the glass of water, sandwich, banana, and tablets with a frown. Mom barely noticed, exiting the room so fast you'd think her beloved plants were more important.

Shaking my head, I threw the medicine into the trash can and ate the food.

I didn't felt like going to school today. I was feeling exhausted, though I had no reason to be. I felt depressed. I just wanted to sleep or maybe just disappear for a while... until forever.

The ringing of my phone under a pillow pulled me from the despondency for a bit. I'd gotten a text message.

From: Jason; To: Chester

June 06 - 8:07am

Hey Ches! Ain't goin to school tday? Your already late so better not go lol bye xxxxxxx

"Pathetic," I murmured and sniffed at the text message.

Jason was our class president. Almost eighty percent of our class voted for him - excluding myself. I didn't know why they voted him because from my point of view, he was an utter douche bag. Sure, he was good-looking, I guess - at least for some girls - with the green eyes, thin lips, blonde mohawk and athletic body. He was always boasting of the muscles he'd earned due to years of swimming lessons. Still, I found it pathetic when some girls would just giggle when they saw him as if he was a topless Zac Efron.

He'd had a crush on Luna. I remembered one day when he tried to ask Luna out on a midnight date. Yeah, a 'midnight' date.

Luna and I were eating lunch in the canteen when he just approached her and said, "Hey babe! You're the most beautiful lady here on Earth. So, wanna-"

"No, Jason. No and just no. Sorry," Luna cut.

"I'm in love with you and I want to take you on a 'midnight' date. Come on, please?", he almost begged.

Luna sipped water from the straw of the bottle and put her lunch box into her bag. She gulped and looked to me. I shook my head briefly to tell her not to go on a date with him. Then, she faced him, giving him a firm answer.

"Jason, I'm not the kind of girl you'd just take on one date and then engage in a one night stand. I'm not dumb enough to fall for your empty words, either. I don't know how many girls have heard and believed your 'I'm in love you. You're the most beautiful girl here on Earth.' And a midnight date? I've never heard of the concept, and frankly, it sounds unattractive. I'm sorry but I have to go."

Jason scowled, pressing his lips together. Luna stood and walked away. I followed her, grinning at him as I passed. The dumbfounded looks on the faces of the surrounding girls told me they thought Luna had made a stupid decision.

I liked that side of Luna, that despite her kindness, she'd never take just anything from anyone.

I shook the memory away and transported back to my bed. The phone weighed heavily in my hand. I touched the reply button with my thumb and typed:

Cool, bro. First, it's YOU'RE not 'your'. Learn how to type words correctly next time, okay? Second, I am lol-ing at you as well, laughing at your pathetic self. And I'm happier than you are today coz I won't be dealing with all your stupid jokes in Mr. Dizon's class. Third, idgas. Lastly, it's very gay to put 'x'es in your messages when you're talking to a guy. I don't swing that way. Peace.

I pressed the send button and immediately got a notification.

— Message not sent. Please, check your balance. —

Seeing these words on the screen, I laughed a little, realizing I was so stupid in even giving this guy the time of day. I threw my phone into the bed and walked to the window, staring at the garden below and breathing in some of the fresh air. It was very relaxing. I saw my mom from where I stood — right below my room's window. She was hard at work, I noted, and bit in a smile.

Then suddenly – and I don't why I did it – I felt compelled to turn my gaze to the street. I was surprised when I saw the same guy who wanted to talk to me the other day. He was standing right in front of our gate. I wondered why my mom remained oblivious to his presence. When his serious gaze met my bewildered one, I quickly slid the curtain closed, breathing heavily.

What on earth was he doing here? I wished he didn't see me. Didn't he has somewhere else to be? He should be in school right now but he was not even wearing the school uniform.

After a minute or two, I checked nervously to see if he was still there. He wasn't. I craned my neck out of the window to look around, but I didn't see any sign of him. I sighed in relief. Afterwards, I went to my bathroom and washed my face. Just as I wiped it with a towel, my phone rang again. I checked the message and my heart pounded heavily when I read the words.

From: Unknown (+9666192***); To: Chester

June 06 - 8:53am

I'm watching you.

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