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A week and a half had passed and I had still not seen Misty around. Curiosity rose upon me. What happened to her? I wanted to know. I needed to know.

Why did James seem like unworried? Didn't they talk even just through texts? And why was he flirting with other girls? He had a girlfriend. This dumbass deserved some punch.

The school was busy preparing for the school's Sports Festival for next week. The student council was putting up some designs in the covered court for the ceremony before the games.

Since it was lunch and we only had half-day class today, the school gates were open.

I had nothing to do here. I did not have friends to get along and spend my time with so I decided to go home. If Luna did not die, I couldn't had been like this. Maybe, she could had been here to make me feel someone was always beside me. I wouldn't feel this lonely.

I walked slowly to the gate with my head bowed thinking how everything would be so different if she had not died.

Suddenly, I was being pulled by a certain guy. His hold was so tight that I could feel like my skin was being torn.

Though he wore a cap, I was still able to identify him. And who would I expect?

He was the mysterious man.

"Get off me! Hey! What the heck are you doing?!" I screamed to him but he did not respond. Instead, he held my arms tighter and walked faster pulling me to follow him.

He was almost running so fast and I was forced to do so. Where were we going? What would he do to me?

He knew everything! This couldn't be real!

Cold drops of sweat poured down my face and neck. My back and chest was also getting wet. Fear was swallowing me that made my knees got weak.

I could see the Claro building from a distance. No one was around to help me. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to kill him for knowing everything. How did he know? How?

However, I couldn't move.  Unconsciously, we were already inside the Claro building. We were standing right here where Luna fell and died.

"Again?! You?!", I yelled at him as he released me. Hell! I wanted to punch him.

"Who are you?!"

"I'm Ron and that's all you have to know about me. Chester, why did you do that?! You let everyone believe that she killed herself!", Ron shouted back at me.

Ron? Ron... I think I had heard that name before but I did not care. Fear and confusion was eating me up. Did he really know everything?

"I don't know what you're talking about!", I lied trembling and lowering the volume of my voice so no one would hear.

"Oh really?! You do not know that Luna did not jump but-,"

"Stop! No. P-p-please, stop. I-I-It was...", I gasped as tears shed down to my cheeks. I stopped him because I was fearful about anyone hearing this; knowing I was the reason.

"I have to go now!", I exclamed. Shaking with fear, I turned and ran away. Faster and faster. And before I had even escaped the Claro building, I heard him shout,

"Truth will be unraveled! Everyone will know, Chester!"

Until She JumpedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora