Bad Bosses

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"Hi," I greet Liam as I walk into the bookstore, putting my stuff down. I hadn't been dreaming last night when I noticed that Harry had left. He must have left at nearly three in the morning. He had sent no text at all and hadn't bothered to call. I just pray that he got home all right; nothing good happens after midnight.

"Hey, Blair," Liam says, smiling. "How are you?"

"I'm great, actually. You?" I beam, something has put me in a good mood this morning, and I am not sure what.

He shrugs. "All right, same as always," he says. He is putting books in a line on a shelf.

"Busy today?" I ask. It is almost a joke, when are we ever busy?

"Not really," he says. "A few people here and there."

"Ugh," I groan taking my place on the stool behind the desk. "Are you working the night shift again?"

Liam nods. "Unfortunately."

"Blairbear!" Shawn shouts from the back. Of course he needs me after I sit down. I roll my eyes at his nickname for me, and hop off my stool to go and see what he wants.

"Yeah?" I ask, peeking into Shawn's office. He is lounging in his chair, his feet up on the desk. He has his laptop on his legs and he is typing away. He is trying to write a book, but he is a shit writer so I don't it will take off. Liam and I have bets going as to how long it will take him to realize it and stop wasting his time.

"Here's the thing," Shawn says taking a pause from typing. "It was the witch's birthday recently and she wanted the kids, so they flew up to see her."


"And now she is flying them back down on her broom stick."

"Okay." I say slowly. Where is he going with this?

"I don't want to see that bitch," he says simply. " Like ever; so it would be great if you could go pick them up from the airport."

"What? Why can't you go?"

"Because my ex-wife is a nagging bitch that will whine at me!" He says. "Now, please. Here's the flight number and yadda yadda yadda." He pushes a printout toward me.

"Shawn--" I begin.

"Please please please please!" He counters. He is like a child.

"Ugh," I groan. I snatch the printout from him and stuff it in my pocket.

"Thanks, kid, you're the best!" He grins at me, before continuing typing.

"You owe me," I tell him.

"I gave you a job," he counters.

"The job description didn't include being your bitch," I say. Shawn picks up a random paper on his desk and reads it over.

"Yep, I am pretty sure it does," Shawn laughs. "It is in that small bubble where you checked that you had read the terms and agreements."

"I read that bubble!" I tell him as I duck out the door.

"Liar!" He calls after me.

I laugh as I grab my things off the front counter. I was only here a matter of like ten minutes and I am already being sent a random ass errand. I give a small wave to Liam as I head for the door, and he stares at me in confusion.

"Where are you going?" Liam asks.

"Picking up Shawn's kids from the airport," I grumble, rolling my eyes.

Liam laughs. "I would come with you, but someone has to man the fort."

I laugh. "Thanks," I say. "Do you think his ex-wife is as crazy as he makes her out to be?"

Lights (2019)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon