The Sin Wagon

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To say that I liked the airport, would be a fucking lie. Even with Harry by my side I feel overwhelmed. And I am not even the one traveling. People rush past us with their luggage, and it seems like everyone had somewhere really important to be. And if they didn't, then they had no excuse for acting like little assholes.

Harry and I pause in front of the large flat screens that hold all the answers. I compare the print out that Shawn gave me to the numbers on the wall. Harry hasn't let go off my hand, it is almost like he needs to somehow be touching me at all times. Not that I am complaining or anything. His thumb rubs across my knuckles and the whole sensation is calming.

"Okay, flight 488," I read off slowly.

"There." Harry points to baggage claim number four. He pulls me along and we take refuge by a small bench. Harry released my hand and touched the small of my back. I look up at him and find him scanning the horizon for children.

"See them anywhere?" I ask Harry.

"How am I supposed to know?" He grumbles. I roll my eyes.

"Who shit in your cereal this morning?" I ask him, raising my eyebrows. Harry tries to hide his smile. His grip tightens on me and he kisses my forehead. A small grin covers my face, and I am not sure that I could ever erase it.

"Hi, you must be Blair." I whirl around to see a woman of about Shawn's age with bleach blonde hair and too much red lipstick on. She grins at me. Harry removes his touch and I instantly miss it.

"Yes," I stutter. "I'm Blair."

The woman ignores me.

"Kids," she says to her left. I look over to see a boy of about thirteen and a girl of about fifteen. They both look bored. They're older than I expected.

"This is Katie and Bryce," the woman says.

"Hi," I say. "This is, uh...Harry." I look to Harry who forces a smile. He looks like a car's salesman, and I almost snort at how fake he is being, but I keep my composure. He must sense my amusement because he nudges me with his hip.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, but I gotta run," the woman says. "Tell Shawn he can fuck himself." She briskly whirls around and disappears into the sea of people, leaving the four of us. I feel my neck retract in shock at her words. Alrighty then! Harry losses it and laughs. Katie and Bryce just stare at us with a dead look. Tough crowd.

"Okay, well...the car's this way," I say, turning to lead them back to the car.

"Whatever," Katie says. I hate kids. Scratch that, I hate middle-schoolers; those little shits aren't even human. They are like monsters that have replaced once cute children. I raise my eyebrows. Harry smirks. They follow us back in silence, eyes on their phones. They are lucky that no car has come and hit us, because they wouldn't have been paying attention. Harry doesn't stop grinning as he lets everyone into the car, starting it.

I let out a sigh and look at him. He shrugs and looks back to see if anyone is behind us before backing up.

"Hey," he says, the kids look up. "If you find some pot back there, help yourselves."

"What?" I squeak.

"Really?" Bryce asks, his eyes as wide as saucers.

"No," I say, punching Harry's arm. I turn to the kids and say with all seriousness, "There's no pot."

"I was just kidding, lighten up," he says to me. I genuinely think that my eye twitches. He just laughs and looks back at the road. The whole car is silent for a while, Harry suddenly reached over and gripped my hand. Our fingers intertwine and rest on the center console. I look at him out of the corner of my eye, and notice that it was a completely subconscious motion.

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